Myers-Briggs Types in Naruto: Suigetsu Hozuki (ENTP)

in Anime/Manga MBTI Types

Naruto Shippuden is a classic anime series with a wealth of identifiable Myers-Briggs personality types (often referred to as MBTI). Suigetsu is a solid example of the ENTP personality type. Continue reading to find out why! The Myers-Briggs Personality Type of Suigetsu Dominant Ne: โ€œI wonder if Sasukeโ€™s okayโ€ฆ What if the first Akatsuki hideout [โ€ฆ]

By Mara on August 20, 2020

Myers-Briggs Types in Hunter X Hunter: Gon Freecss (ESFJ)

in Anime/Manga MBTI Types

Gon from Hunter X Hunter is often identified as the ENFP or ESFP Myers-Briggs personality types (often referred to as MBTI). However, after watching the show, we think that he actually makes more sense as an Fe user, or more specfically, an ESFJ. Yep, this is an odd one, but hear us out. The Myers-Briggs [โ€ฆ]

By Ryan and Mara on August 6, 2020

ENXP vs. ESXP: The Anime Protagonist

in Anime/Manga MBTI Types, Typing Dilemmas

There is widespread confusion in the typology community about how to differentiate Ne and Se. We, at PracticalTyping, have already written an article on how to differentiate the ENXPs from the ESXPs, and another article on differentiating the INXPs from the ISXPs. In both of those, and as a general rule on this blog, we [โ€ฆ]

By Mara on August 3, 2020

Myers-Briggs Types in Dragon Ball: Frieza (INTJ)

in Anime/Manga MBTI Types

Frieza from Dragon Ball is often identified as the ENTJ Myers-Briggs personality theory (colloquially known as MBTI). However, after watching the show, we think that Frieza makes more sense as an INTJ. Continue reading to find out why! The Myers-Briggs Personality Type of Frieza Dominant Ni: โ€œYouโ€™ve successfully dashed my hopes against the craggy shores [โ€ฆ]

By Ryan and Mara on July 25, 2020

Myers-Briggs Types in Dragon Ball: Goku (ESFP)

in Anime/Manga MBTI Types

Goku from Dragon Ball is a popular anime character whoโ€™s somewhat controversial in the realm of Myers-Briggs personality theory (colloquially known as MBTI). After studying the character, we think that Goku makes the most as the ESFP personality type, rather than ENFP. We know some people like to argue Gokuโ€™s love of fighting and battle [โ€ฆ]

By Ryan and Mara on July 9, 2020

Myers-Briggs Types in Oregairu: Yui Yuigahama (ESFP)

in Anime/Manga MBTI Types

Oregairu, or My Teen Romantic Comedy SNAFU, had three main characters, one of them being Yui Yuigahama. After watching the show, we think that Yui Yuigahama makes the most as the ESFP Myers-Briggs personality type (often referred to as MBTI). Continue reading to find out why! The Myers-Briggs Personality Type of Yui Yuigahama Dominant Se: [โ€ฆ]

By Ryan and Mara on July 2, 2020

Myers-Briggs Types in Oregairu: Hachiman Hikigaya (INTP)

in Anime/Manga MBTI Types

Oregairu, or My Teen Romantic Comedy SNAFU, had three main characters, one of them being Hachiman Hikigaya. After watching the show, we think that Hachiman Hikigaya makes the most as the INTP Myers-Briggs personality type (often referred to as MBTI). Continue reading to find out why! The Myers-Briggs Personality Type of Hachiman Hikigaya Dominant Ti: [โ€ฆ]

By Ryan and Mara on June 25, 2020

Myers-Briggs Types in Oregairu: Yukino Yukinoshita (ESTJ)

in Anime/Manga MBTI Types

Oregairu, or My Teen Romantic Comedy SNAFU, had three main characters, one of them being Yukino Yukinoshita. After watching the show, we think that Yukino Yukinoshita makes the most as the ESTJ Myers-Briggs personality type (often referred to as MBTI). Continue reading to find out why! The Myers-Briggs Personality Type of Yukino Dominant Te: โ€œThatโ€™s [โ€ฆ]

By Ryan and Mara on June 18, 2020

Myers-Briggs Types in Fate/Zero: Kiritsugu Emiya (ISTP)

in Anime/Manga MBTI Types

The Fate series is incredibly complex, and honestly, somewhat convoluted. For Kiritsugu Emiya, we focused primarily on Fate/Zero to gather information, although he does show up in other Fate series. (His behavior in the other series appeared consistent with this conclusion.) Overall, while we considered other personality types, Kiritsugu Emiya seems to make the most [โ€ฆ]

By Mara on June 11, 2020

Myers-Briggs Types in Bleach: Orihime Inoue (ENFP)

in Anime/Manga MBTI Types

Orihime Inoue from Bleach is a good example of the ENFP Myers-Briggs personality type (often referred to as MBTI). Of course, we considered other personality types for Orihime Inoue, but ultimately went with ENFP. Continue reading to find out why! The Myers-Briggs Personality Type of Orihime Inoue Dominant Ne: โ€œOh donโ€™t blame yourself. I mean, [โ€ฆ]

By Mara on June 4, 2020