We’re not interested in bogging anyone down with a bunch of rules and regulations, so we’ll keep this simple.

1. Be nice. If you wouldn’t say it to someone’s face, don’t use the mask of anonymity as an excuse.

2. Be respectful. Discussion is encouraged, but rudeness, belittling, name-calling, and etcetera are not. Don’t insult anyone’s intelligence.

3. Treat everyone’s opinion as valid. In the world of personality theory, few people agree completely, ergo you are likely to disagree with anyone you come across over something. Their opinion is just as valid as yours. Keep an open mind.

4. Refrain from cursing or crude language; we probably won’t deny your comment, but we will censor it.

See the pattern? There is no hard and fast rule as to what will or will not get your comment denied. We simply want a friendly and positive environment in which to increase our understanding of personality theory. Keep to the spirit of the matter. Excessively rude comments will be denied.