Introverted Thinking (Ti) vs. Introverted Intuition (Ni): A Closer Look

in Function Analysis, Typing Dilemmas

Greetings fair denizens of our humble blog. Lately, I’ve noticed that there tends to be a lot of confusion surrounding Ti, or Introverted Thinking, and Ni, Introverted Intuition. This usually leads to attributes of one being given to the other and vice versa. Let’s take a closer look at both and see if we can […]

By Ryan on February 5, 2019

INTJ vs ISTJ: 8 Differences

in Typing Dilemmas

INTJ vs ISTJ is a very common typing dilemma, because these types are actually pretty similar. They both share the same extraverted function, which means that the key differences between the two lie in their introverted functions. Naturally, this makes the INTJ vs ISTJ differences more subtle, or at the very least, concealed initially. I’m […]

By Mara on December 28, 2018

ISTJ/INTJ vs ISFJ/INFJ: Am I a Te or Fe auxiliary?

in Typing Dilemmas

A little while back, I wrote an article on how to differentiate aux Ne from aux Se. The article seemed to attract a lot of attention so I thought I’d hit another relatively common typing dilemma in a similar fashion: aux Te vs aux Fe, or am I an ISTJ/INTJ or ISFJ/INFJ? This issue doesn’t […]

By Mara on October 16, 2018

IXTP/IXFP: Am I an Ne or Se User?

in Typing Dilemmas

When you spend a lot of time on typing forums, you start to notice common typing dilemmas. This is one of them. Both the Fi dominants (ISFPs and INFPs) and the Ti dominants (ISTPs and INTPs) tend to struggle with whether they are an intuitive or a sensor. Basically, they’re unsure as to whether or […]

By Mara on August 27, 2018