INTJ vs ENTJ: The Differences

in Typing Dilemmas

INTJ vs ENTJ is an extremely common dilemma, whether people realize it or not. In my experience, ENTJs frequently mistype as another personality type, INTJ being one of the most common. Of course, many types mistype as the INTJ, so overall that isnโ€™t surprising. (See 8 Types That Mistype as The INTJ.) However, there are [โ€ฆ]

By Mara on July 11, 2023

ISTJ vs ISFJ: 5 Differences

in Typing Dilemmas

ISTJ vs ISFJ is not a typing dilemma that you hear too much about, but itโ€™s not definitely not an unusual mix-up. Unfortunately, both of these personality types are not very highly regarded in the typology community, which is why people often mistype as something else entirely. However, there are instances where people are certain [โ€ฆ]

By Mara on May 16, 2023

INFJ vs INFP: 10 Differences

in Typing Dilemmas

INFJ vs INFP is a typing dilemma that I see everywhere. We had an older article on INFJ vs INFP differences, but I thought it was time for a revamp. (Weโ€™ve been slowly working to publish type comparisons for every possible dilemma out there.) With this particular dilemma, I sometimes struggle on a practical level [โ€ฆ]

By Mara on October 6, 2022

4 Types That Mistype as the INTP

in Typing Dilemmas

The INTP is a highly regarded and desirable personality type, making people prone to mistype as one. As many personality enthusiasts are aware, the typology community often falls prey to bias. Intuition and introversion specifically tend to get preference, and even thinking to some degree. As a result, personality tests are often over-eager to divvy [โ€ฆ]

By Mara on July 18, 2022

ENTP vs INTP: The Differences

in Typing Dilemmas

ENTP vs INTP is another typing dilemma that represents a challenge for many. NTPs often find themselves caught between the two personality types, unsure of which fits better. Of course, thatโ€™s not surprising, given the fact that the two types are very similar from a cognitive function standpoint. They have the exact same functions, only [โ€ฆ]

By Mara on June 20, 2022

ISTJ vs ESTJ: The Differences

in Typing Dilemmas

Often times, the hardest personality types to differentiate from one another are the introverted and extraverted counterparts. ISTJ vs ESTJ is one of these comparisons. Like all such comparisons, these two have a remarkable amount in common with each other when it comes to their thought processes and their general approach to life. Things can [โ€ฆ]

By Ryan on June 6, 2022

INTJ vs INTP: 10 Differences

in Typing Dilemmas

INTJ vs INTP is a surprisingly common typing dilemma, in spite of the fact that the differences between these two types are fairly prominent. Regardless, this dilemma plagues many. We had a really old article on INTJ vs INTP differences, but decided it was time to give it a major overhaul. In the original, I [โ€ฆ]

By Mara on May 9, 2022

INTP vs ISTP: 10 Differences

in Typing Dilemmas

INTP vs ISTP is an extremely common dilemma, one that I even struggled with at one point in time. From a cognitive function standpoint, this dilemma is specifically concerning the differences between auxiliary Ne and auxiliary Se. We have a much older article (IXTP/IXFP: Am I an Ne or Se User?) addressing this dilemma, but [โ€ฆ]

By Mara on April 25, 2022

4 Types That Mistype As The INFP

in Typing Dilemmas

Any personality type that claims both introversion and intuition is often perceived as highly desirable. In other words, if someone takes a personality test and manages to achieve one of the INXX types as their result, they are usually quite pleased. These types typically get described as rare, abstract, imaginative, creative, curious, big picture thinkers, [โ€ฆ]

By Mara on April 4, 2022

5 Differences Between ENFPs and INFPs

in Typing Dilemmas

Struggling between an introverted personality type and itโ€™s extraverted counterpart is common. Most healthy people are ambiverts in their daily lives, so it can be natural to question whether you are an extravert or an introvert in the realm of typology. ENFP versus INFP is one such dilemma. Many NFPs find themselves uncertain as to [โ€ฆ]

By Mara on March 28, 2022