An Outlook On Typology

in Personality Theory 101

Iโ€™d like to share an outlook with everyone. I have no clue how many other people approach typology this way, but I feel like it would do a lot by way of seeing past stereotypes and bias. While I certainly canโ€™t dismiss stereotypes as completely false and the general type descriptions do have value, they [โ€ฆ]

By Mara on July 6, 2020

Personality Type is a Misnomer

in Personality Theory 101

Yup, you read that right. This whole personality type nonsense is a complete and utter case of mistaken definition. Not to throw you guys for a loop or anything, but the whole of MBTI and personality theory going back to Jung himself is NOT about your personality. Unfortunately, the propagation of this false information has [โ€ฆ]

By Ryan on June 22, 2020

Shadow Personalities

in Personality Theory 101

We have seen ALOT information out there revolving around shadow personalities. We went back and forth on the subject for a long time, but didnโ€™t start to settle on any kind of opinion until we started getting emails asking about the shadow functions. (Basically, we felt like we had to. Ha!) Anyhow, in this article, [โ€ฆ]

By Ryan and Mara on June 1, 2020

Our Typing Process Part 2: Advanced

in Personality Theory 101

Welcome to the second half of our Typing Process series. If you missed part one, you should go back and read it first, as it lays the foundational steps. You can find it here: Typing Process Part 1. In this article Iโ€™m going to go over some of the more nuanced things we look for [โ€ฆ]

By Ryan on April 9, 2020

Our Typing Process Part 1: The Basics

in Personality Theory 101

We, from time to time, get people asking us about our typing methods. They want to know how we come to our conclusions and if there is a specific process. To that, my answer would be yes and no. To be honest, it is different and changes on a case by case basis. There are, [โ€ฆ]

By Ryan on April 2, 2020

Can a Loop Be Healthy?

in Personality Theory 101

Ah, loops. Iโ€™ve been meaning to write about this for a while, but my head has been very distracted latelyโ€ฆ Evident by the fact that I completely forgot to post yesterday, ha ha. Anyhow, I know loops (or โ€œjumpersโ€ as another theory calls them) are somewhat controversial, which means someone will probably get mad at [โ€ฆ]

By Mara on March 17, 2020

Why Are Character Types Controversial?

in Personality Theory 101

People seem to want to go to war over what character is what type. One doesnโ€™t have to lurk within an MBTI community for long before they see some sort of argument break outโ€ฆ and sometimes the arguments get heated. Sometimes it seems like there are very few people who can have a civil discussion, [โ€ฆ]

By Mara on January 30, 2020

5 Signs That Youโ€™re Actually An Extravert

in Personality Theory 101

Classically, the difference between extraversion and introversion is framed in terms of how one recharges their energy. An extravert is supposed to recharge around people, while and introvert is supposed to recharge alone. While Iโ€™m not completely dismissing that concept, it isnโ€™t really the root of what makes someone an extravert or an introvert. What [โ€ฆ]

By Mara on January 6, 2020

The 16 Personalities Theory: An Introduction

in Personality Theory 101

There a million personality tests out there. Some are humorous, and some are based on a well-thought out system. We here at PracticalTyping prefer the 16 Types personality theory, which is mistakenly known as MBTI. This article is going to serve as an introduction to the 16 Types personality theory and hopefully point you to [โ€ฆ]

By Ryan and Mara on November 25, 2019

Donโ€™t Judge A Person By Their Type: Hereโ€™s Why

in Personality Theory 101

In this article, I will put forth a proposal of sorts, a theory if you will. I was reading on the forums and came across someone who was hating on one particular type. The way I see it, for you to dislike certain functions, itโ€™s for one of two reasons. One, you have interacted with [โ€ฆ]

By Ryan on August 16, 2019