Sherlock Holmes (RDJ) Series: John Watson (ESTJ)

in Movie/TV MBTI Types

Te: โ€œItโ€™s happening. Whether you like it or not, 8:30, the Royale. Wear a jacket!โ€ โ€œYouโ€™re meeting her, Holmes!โ€ โ€œHow can we make this more manageable?โ€ This version of Watson appears to actually be a Te dominant, rather than a Si dominant. Watson clearly lacks patience, which is common for EXTJs, due to their task [โ€ฆ]

By Ryan and Mara on July 21, 2022

The MBTI Personality Types in How To Train Your Dragon

in Movie/TV MBTI Types

Once upon a time, someone requested the MBTI type of Hiccup from How To Train Your Dragon, but with the request list backup, we didnโ€™t get around to it until just recently. Of course, it seemed like a shame to watch all three movies and only produce one solitary article. However, the other characters donโ€™t [โ€ฆ]

By Mara on July 14, 2022

Hyouka: Eru Chitanda (ENFJ)

in Anime/Manga MBTI Types

Fe: โ€œToday was supposed to be a happy day for Mayaka. She deserved that.โ€ โ€œThatโ€™s not a nice thing to say!โ€ โ€œKindly give us back our chocolate.โ€ Eru Chitanda appears to be a dominant extraverted feeler. Her extraversion is fairly clear in the way that she not only appears socially extraverted, but she also tends [โ€ฆ]

By Mara on July 7, 2022

Hyouka: Oreki Houtarou (INTJ)

in Anime/Manga MBTI Types

Ni: โ€œIt came to me I guess. I just got lucky.โ€ โ€œI couldnโ€™t tell you how I made those deductions. Honestly, thatโ€™s the real mystery here.โ€ โ€œI canโ€™t wrap my brain around it. No lucky flashes of insight.โ€ โ€œYou think you could find a more convoluted way of putting it?โ€ โ€“ Fukube to Oreki โ€œIs [โ€ฆ]

By Mara on July 4, 2022

The 16 Personality Types Through Attack On Titan

in Anime/Manga MBTI Types

Attack on Titan is an epic anime with a wealth of characters to exemplify the 16 personality types. However, not every character seems worth dedicating a detailed analysis article to, even if the character is fairly well established. Therefore, so you can still learn the personality types of these other characters (or at least our [โ€ฆ]

By Mara on June 30, 2022

John Wick (ISFP)

in Movie/TV MBTI Types, Paid Requests

John Wick barely talks, which makes his personality type extremely difficult to determine, because cognition determines type, not behavior. The best way to understand how someone thinks is to listen to them speak. Regardless, after really thinking through this character, we believe ISFP for John Wick makes the most sense, and weโ€™ll attempt to lay [โ€ฆ]

By Ryan and Mara on June 23, 2022

Hunter X Hunter: Meruem (ENTJ)

in Anime/Manga MBTI Types

โ€œI shall crush that madness, and create a fair world, where the concept of inequality will be completely forgotten for all time. I donโ€™t deny that Iโ€™ll start by using power and terror to accomplish my objective, but only when absolutely necessary and only to bring about order. You see, I have learned what true [โ€ฆ]

By Mara on June 9, 2022

Hunter X Hunter: Hisoka Morow (ESTP)

in Anime/Manga MBTI Types

Se: โ€œMy techniques are so adaptable that they donโ€™t lose their effectiveness if my opponent knows about them.โ€ โ€œHe never talks about his past. It doesnโ€™t interest him. Heโ€™ll probably forget what Castro looks like by tomorrow.โ€ โ€“ Someone said about Hisoka โ€œBut why? At least here, boredom isnโ€™t an issue.โ€ While many type Hisoka [โ€ฆ]

By Mara on June 2, 2022

Sherlock Holmes (RDJ) Series: Sherlock Holmes (ENTP)

in Movie/TV MBTI Types, Paid Requests

Ne: โ€œWatson, I am in the process of inventing a device that suppresses the sound of a gunshot.โ€ โ€œIn fact, I may well have reconciled thousands of years of theological disparity. But thatโ€™s for another time.โ€ โ€œItโ€™s so overt, itโ€™s covert.โ€ โ€œBe careful what you fish for.โ€ โ€œI, using musical theory, have created order out [โ€ฆ]

By Mara on May 26, 2022

How To Train Your Dragon: Hiccup (INTP)

in Movie/TV MBTI Types

Ti: โ€œWe have to think this through carefully.โ€ โ€œGive me until tomorrow. Iโ€™ll figure something out.โ€ โ€œDoes anything you say make sense?โ€ โ€œThank you for nothing, you useless reptile.โ€ Hiccup is constantly doing his own thing. Although driven by a desire to fit in, Hiccup is determined to do it his own way, which suggests [โ€ฆ]

By Mara on May 19, 2022