Objectivity vs. Subjectivity

in Jungian Theory, Personality Theory 101

There seems to be some false notions floating around the type community that these two terms mean the difference between something that is true, verified and trusted versus something that is false, biased, and untrustworthy. There is a lot of extra meanings and assumptions being piled onto these terms that are not part of their [โ€ฆ]

By Ryan and Mara on May 10, 2021

9 INTJ Stereotypes

in Stereotypes

This article was originally requested in the comments on 7 Ti Stereotypes. Itโ€™s been a while, but here it is. We think we may also aim to write a stereotypes article for each individual type, like this one, rather than focusing mostly on the individual cognitive functions, like we have in the past. The INTJ [โ€ฆ]

By Ryan and Mara on May 3, 2021

Myers-Briggs Types in Marvel: Tโ€™Challa [Black Panther] (ISTJ)

in Movie/TV MBTI Types

Tโ€™Challa is a well-loved character in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. As such, there seems to be quite a bit of controversy surrounding his Myers-Briggs personality type (colloquially known as MBTI). Most theories of Tโ€™Challa, also known as Black Panther, identify his MBTI as either ISFP or an ISFJ. We considered both of these theories when [โ€ฆ]

By Ryan and Mara on April 29, 2021

Myers-Briggs Types in Once Upon A Time: Regina Mills (ESTJ)

in Movie/TV MBTI Types

Once Upon A Time has an abundance of interesting characters with identifiable Myers-Briggs personality types (colloquially known as MBTI). Reginal Mills, also known as the Evil Queen, has been typed as multiple different EJ types, usually ENTJ or ENFJ. After watching the series, I believe Regina Mills fits the ESTJ Myers-Briggs personality type best. Read [โ€ฆ]

By Ryan and Mara on April 22, 2021

Myers-Briggs Types in Marvel: Okoye (ESTJ)

in Movie/TV MBTI Types

The Marvel Cinematic Universe is a vast, ever-expanding universe containing endless characters with identifiable Myers-Briggs personality types (colloquially known as MBTI). This analysis of Okoye is specifically from the Black Panther movie, and not the comics. Most people peg Okoye is an ISTJ. However, we actually see more evidence of Okoye being an ESTJ. The [โ€ฆ]

By Ryan and Mara on April 16, 2021

Myers-Briggs Types in The Mandalorian: Din Djarin (ISTJ)

in Movie/TV MBTI Types

The Mandalorian (named Din Djarin) is typically identified as the ISTJ Myers-Briggs personality types (colloquially known as MBTI). We landed on the same theory, as you can see. Read our analysis below! The Myers-Briggs Personality Type of the Mandalorian Dominant Si: โ€œYou have something I want. You may think you have some idea of what [โ€ฆ]

By Ryan and Mara on April 8, 2021

5 Relationships With The Inferior Function

in Function Analysis

Every time we sit down to write a general article on inferior functions, we run into issues, because the inferior function can manifest in a multiple different ways or directions. (5 ways that we were able to think of, to be specific.) The topic can actually be extremely complexโ€ฆ just like people. People exist at [โ€ฆ]

By Ryan and Mara on April 5, 2021

Myers-Briggs Types in Marvel: Tony Stark [Iron Man] (ENTP)

in Movie/TV MBTI Types

The Marvel Cinematic Universe is a vast, ever-expanding universe containing endless characters with identifiable Myers-Briggs personality types (colloquially known as MBTI). Tony Stark, or Iron Man, is almost always identified as an ENTP personality type. In this particular instance, we agree with popular consensus. (Robert Downey Jr. usually plays ENTPs, and his Iron Man appears [โ€ฆ]

By Ryan and Mara on April 1, 2021

Myers-Briggs Types in Maleficent (2014): Maleficent (ENTJ)

in Movie/TV MBTI Types

The original Disney version of Maleficent undoubtedly was the INTJ Myers-Briggs personality type (colloquially known as MBTI). However, this version of Maleficent took a little bit of a different turn. Weโ€™ll throw in a few comparisons to the original version as we write this one so you understand the contrast going on. The Myers-Briggs Personality [โ€ฆ]

By Ryan and Mara on March 25, 2021

Myers-Briggs Types in Marvel: Peter Parker [Spider-Man] (ENFP)

in Movie/TV MBTI Types

Determining the Myers-Briggs personality type (colloquially known as MBTI) of this version of Peter Parker, or Spider-Man, was actually pretty difficult. In the past, we published MBTI analyses for both The Amazing Spider-Man (2012): Peter Parker (ISFP) and Spiderman 2002 Series: Peter Parker (INFP) However, MCUโ€™s Spider-Man seemed a bit different. We ended up going [โ€ฆ]

By Ryan and Mara on March 11, 2021