Updates and Current Projects
Hey everyone! I have two article updates to share. First off, we finally updated The MBTI Personality Types in Arcane article, so be sure to check that out if you’re interested in that show. The introduction indicates which characters were updated, so you don’t have to waste your time rereading sections that didn’t change. Secondly, we updated The 16 Myers-Briggs Personality Types Through Attack On Titan in order to alter our stance on Hange’s type.
I imagine you’ve noticed that we’re doing a lot more “group” character articles now, where we briefly cover all the prominent characters in a show in one cumulative article. We’re doing those more so that we can put forth our theories on certain characters, without having to dedicate an entire article to them. We want the individual analyses to be specifically for characters that are well-developed, and worth the special focus. In the past, we would commit to writing individuals on characters that we were uncomfortable with writing, and would sometimes come to regret it later. With the group articles, we can put forth our current theory, with some of the evidence that we have, without over-committing. So, if you were concerned that we were moving away from individual analyses entirely, don’t worry. We have every intention of continuing to write detailed breakdowns on characters that are worth the effort.
Otherwise, we’re still working on a personality type test, which is extremely close to having a releasable version. If you’d like to help “test the test”, feel free to reach out, and I’ll send you a link. Please be reasonably certain of your personality type, or at least an aspect of your personality type (such as TJ, FJ, NP, etc.), otherwise the data won’t be helpful. We would especially appreciate more extraverts, but anyone is welcome.
That’s it for now. I’ll try to update this page at the beginning of every month. See below for the updated the list of ongoing projects. Don’t forget to comment if you have any questions, thoughts, or suggestions. We’d love to hear from you!
Articles in the Works
These are subject to change, but our current intentions are…
Theory Article: Thinking vs Feeling
Dichotomy comparison
Character Article: Young Sheldon
Individual analysis of Sheldon Cooper
Character Article(s): Big Bang Theory
We’re going to start working on typing characters from this show.
Character Article: Type Lists of Fictional Characters in Anime
For instance, 7 INFPs in Anime, 7 INTPs in Anime, etc. Currently, in progress.
Character articles written/ready:
1. Dr. Stone: Senku Ishigami
2. 7 Examples of ENTP Anime Characters
3. The Myers-Briggs Types in the Promised Neverland
4. The Myers-Briggs Personality Types in Young Sheldon
Theory articles written/ready:
1. Te vs. Ti: The Strengths and Weaknesses
2. Are You Healthy or Unhealthy? 6 States of Personality Type Development
If you like what you see, please consider buying us a coffee! We welcome any feedback you may have on where to primarily focus our efforts, especially in regard to the list above. Lately, we’ve only been posting one article a week, but we hope to return to posting twice a week soon.
Hi there! If you enjoyed that article, leave us a quick comment to encourage us to keep writing, and check out our Updates and Current Projects. In addition, if you've found our content helpful, please consider Buying Us A Coffee to help keep this website running. Thank you!
Hi there!
Love your site and analysis, and I’d be happy to help test your test. Please send me the link, and I’ll give it a go. Congrats on its development!
Thank you! Just sent you an email.