The MBTI Personality Types in Arcane

MBTI and Myers-Briggs related content

The Netflix series, Arcane, has a variety of characters, with a wide range of different MBTI personality types. However, it’s extremely action-packed, and the only season currently out has merely nine episodes. Of course, while the pace of the show keeps it interesting, it isn’t exactly conducive to typing all the characters accurately and decisively. With that being said, we’re going to give it a go, and present our current theories as to the MBTI personality types for the major characters. We may update this article once season two comes out, if further development has changes our minds on some of their types.

The idea in this article is to present some general rationale for why we think each character is the type they are, using concrete examples when possible. As per usual, we’ll be focusing on the cognitive functions for each character in Arcane, since those are what builds one’s MBTI personality type. However, we don’t want the article to get too crazy long, so each character will be discussed somewhat briefly. Many of these characters didn’t get a lot of focus anyway, so there legitimately might not be a lot to cover anyway. Regardless, we’ll see how this goes. Hopefully you find it interesting!

The MBTI Personality Types in Arcane

Ideally, we’ll write more individual MBTI analyses for Arcane characters later on, once more of the show comes out. Once that happens, we’ll add links below each section, for the convenience of anyone interested in reading about the individual characters in depth. For now, these brief overviews will have to do.

Vi: ESFP (Se-Fi-Te-Ni)

“So? Why answer to them? These are our streets. Someone should remind them of that.”

The two cognitive functions that stand out the most in Vi are Se and Te. Personally, I spent the first couple of episodes shifting between ENTJ and ESFP. For Se, Vi is impulsive, hasty, and prone to taking risks on the spur of the moment. The degree to which she is this way points to her Se being dominant. She’s both adaptable and reactive, which can be useful in the moment but also gets her into trouble. Vi is prone to starting fights unnecessarily, and rushing into situations without properly considering the risks (inferior Ni).

Our take on Vi’s judging functions, Fi and Te, are a bit more controversial, but nonetheless, we saw no signs of Ti/Fe, except maybe the occasional team-oriented phrasing. Vi is very forceful and physically controlling when dealing with others. She tries to act like she’s in command or in control, even when she’s not. (Her interaction with Caitlyn from the jail cell is a good example of this.) In addition, Se in combination with Te makes her very straightforward, blunt, and results-oriented. While this character is looping on Se-Te, her Fi does manifest in the way she leans into her emotions, easily expresses sentiment to those she cares about, and frames her actions in terms of values. Her “fight the power” attitude is common for cynical FPs.

Read more: Arcane: Violet [Vi] (ESFP)

Jinx: ENFP (Ne-Fi-Te-Si)

“It’s Jinx now. Powder fell down a well.”

I should probably admit now that Jinx could be an ENTP, but at the moment, we’re leaning toward ENFP. Her inventive and chaotic nature pointed us toward dominant Ne. She’s constantly tinkering, and coming up with new devices. In addition, her actions are anything but straightforward. She’s hard to predict, which is partly what makes her so dangerous. Her inferior Si manifests in the way she clings to her past after tragedy strikes. She creates dolls to represent everyone she’s lost, and acts like they never left. Her tendency to make a lot of mistakes early on, rather than learn from them and improve, could also indicate inferior Si.

Jinx takes drastic action based on her emotions, which could indicate being a feeler. She’ll attack allies, and those she’s supposed to be fighting with, if her mood turns sour. She also worries about being seen as weak, which could be low Te. Lastly, the way she fixates on her identity, and feels compelled to choose one over the other, could indicate Fi rather than Ti, since Ti users often don’t think in terms of identity quite like that.

Vander: ESFJ (Fe-Si-Ne-Ti)

“I’m protecting our people. I’d do the same for any one of you. We look out for one another. It’s the way it’s always been. This will blow over. We just need to stand together.”

Vander gets very limited development, because he dies so early in the show. However, his common themes center around protecting others and referencing past lessons. Vander constantly discourages Vi’s reckless behavior, telling her that she’s acting selfishly, with no concern for how she’s affecting others. He discourages fighting, and focuses on maintaining the peace or the status quo. Even after his kids are targeted, Vander hesitates to fight back, explaining that “We crossed that bridge once before. We all know how it ends.” When younger, he’s described as being a bit more ambitious, but from the sound of it, he led one major attempt to fight back and then quickly gave up when things went badly. He reminds Vi that no one wins at war, and that her parents would still be alive if he hadn’t done what he did back then. He even makes a comment to an enforcer that you can’t escape your past.

Caitlyn: ESTJ (Te-Si-Ne-Fi)

“Unbelievable. I didn’t break you out of jail to eat… Slop. I knew this was a terrible idea. You don’t actually know anything, do you?”

Caitlyn was a little more challenging, due to limited development, but what stands out the most about this character is her critical and inflexible nature coupled with the fact she’s constantly butting up against authority. She’s tenacious, determined to make her mark and prove herself, despite whatever orders she receives (potential inferior Fi). The way she struggles with Vi’s impulsive nature, failure to explain herself, and failure to stick strictly to the plan pointed us toward STJ specifically. In addition, she’s shown being precise in her language, even correcting others for calling something a blimp when it was actually an airship.

However, an ISTJ would more hesitant and careful about disobeying orders. Caitlyn disobeys more flippantly, more determined to prove her theories than anything else. She even has a crime board set up in her room that looks an awful lot like a conspiracy theory board (potential tertiary Ne). In addition, she takes drastic action on short notice. Caitlyn breaks Vi out of jail within hours of finding out that she was going to lose her job, in order to pursue a theory she’d been obsessing about.

Silco: INTJ (Ni-Te-Fi-Se)

“We shared a vision, Vander. A dream of freedom. Not just for the Lanes, but the whole of the underground, united as one. The nation of Zaun.”

Silco possesses a long term ideal for the future, that he strives to achieve, no matter the cost. His dominant Ni further manifests in the way he frames things in terms of visions or dreams, and focuses on the symbolic meaning of events. He reinterprets a past tragedy in an abstract way, viewing it as a source of enlightenment or a redefining moment. Furthermore, he acts confused by the way Vander references the same moment, having let go of his hate for Vander in regard to that incident long ago.

As is common for TJ villains, Silco seeks physical power and control in order to gain the means to enact his vision. He approaches everything and everyone in a cold, business-like fashion. However, his tertiary Fi manifests in how strongly he values loyalty, which ends up being his undoing. While Silco will do nearly anything to achieve his goal, Jinx ends up being a weakness or a blind spot. He views her like a daughter, and is unable to give her up, even though it would guarantee the outcome he had sought after for so long.

Read more: Arcane: Silco (INTJ)

Jayce: ESFJ (Fe-Si-Ne-Ti)

“It’s my responsibility to make sure the Hexgates are safe and protected.”

Many argue that Jayce is either an ENFJ or an ENTP. While we see him as a Fe dominant, we currently see a better argument for Si/Ne, rather than Ni/Se.

Jayce focuses on the good that Hextech can do for others, and relies on alliances to make it a reality. He struggles greatly when he’s told to shut his project down, almost committing suicide as a result. Viktor encourages him to keep going, and the two team up to work on it together. Jayce relies on the advice and guidance of others, assuming they’re backing his project. He seeks support elsewhere if they do not (like with Heimerdinger). Many might suggest that Fe dominants can’t go against people or society, but that is not true if they deeply believe in what they are doing. Jayce’s impulse is to adapt to others, when the situation allows it. This opens him up to be manipulated, especially by Mel.

As for Si/Ne, Jayce insists that his Hextech theory is more than just a theory, because he’d seen it before. It’s not just some idea he’d envisioned, but something he’d seen in reality. Jayce is essentially striving to recreate the magic that he’d seen in the past. Initially, Jayce goes against society, in an effort to prove the value of his theory to everyone. However, once placed in a position of power (on the council), Jayce begins acting a lot like Heimerdinger, in the sense that he becomes more cautious, and focused on security. He makes the safety of citizens his first priority, even to the point that he’s willing to suspend all Hextech operations. As for Ne specifically, Jayce sees Hextech as a source of endless possibilities, a potential solution to so many different things, from Viktor’s illness to various societal issues. He doesn’t actually have one specific goal in mind, but instead an all encompassing solution.

Mel: INFJ (Ni-Fe-Ti-Se)

“We can’t change what fate has in store for us, but we don’t have to face it alone.”

Mel recognizes that “any worthwhile venture involves risk.” She seeks progress, something revolutionary to put Piltover on the map. She’s not interested in people who can’t offer her anything new. After recognizing the potential in Jayce’s new technology, Mel begins grooming him and manipulating things so that Hextech can prosper. She calls Jayce a “symbol of the future”, informing him that he has the potential to shape his own destiny. People focused on the past, like Heimerdinger, frustrate her. She helps get Jayce a seat on the council, and then encourages everyone to invest in the future by backing him. She’s disappointed when Jayce errs on the side of caution, and doesn’t make his grand announcement at the technology convention. We lean INFJ with Mel, over INTJ, because of the way she utilizes people to get what she wants. Mel also encourages Jayce to make friends with other members of the council and to support Viktor during his time of need. She values diplomacy and wants to give back to society, even though (according to her) Medardas usually take.

Heimerdinger: ISFJ (Si-Fe-Ti-Ne)

“Some mysteries are better left unsolved.”

To be fair, this character doesn’t get much development, and his age could be making his true personality type more difficult to identify. For instance, Heimerdinger’s most pronounced personality trait is his cautious nature. It’s to the point that he frustrates those around him, especially Viktor and Jayce. He tries to slow their Hextech project down, telling them to work on it for another decade before attempting to implement it. He reminds them that no good science endangers lives, and points out the devastating results of magic in the past. Ultimately, his focus on the past gets him ousted from the council. It’s possible that a young Heimerdinger wasn’t this cautious or this much of stickler, but learned to be due to some tragic incident. However, given everything the show has currently revealed about his character, ISXJ for now makes the most sense. As for Fe, he willingly places himself in mentor roles to people like Jayce, and tries to keep the peace with those around him. He doesn’t display any form of harshness, but tries to gently encourage people in the right direction.

Ekko: XSTP

“It’s not enough to give people what they need to survive. You have to give them what they need to live.”

This character gets so little screentime that we can’t make a specific guess as to his personality type. He generally appears to be a perceiver, probably an SP specifically due to his emphasis or philosophy when forming his own community in the undercity. He basically tells Heimerdinger that people need to be given what it takes to actually enjoy life, rather than just survive. This implies a focus on the present. He also forms a group called the Firelights so he can actively fight against Silco, by sabotaging his Shimmer shipments. We lean STP mostly due to the impersonal way he tries to deal with Vi initially, after not seeing her for so many years, and his love for tinkering. There’s no obvious sign of Fi, or leaning into his feelings. However, given more development in future seasons, we could easily shift on this stance.

Viktor: IXXP

“There is always a choice.”

There seems to be a lot of controversy surrounding Viktor’s type. Most seem to land on INTJ. To be frank, his personality type seems hard to peg because of the extentuating circumstances. He’s on the verge of death, which can easily cause anyone to seek meaning and to make a lasting impact. However, Viktor’s approach to science seems less calculated than we would expect from an INTJ. For instance, when Jayce asks, “Are you sure you know what you’re doing?”, Viktor just shakes his head. Another time, when Jayce asks if something is safe, Viktor replies with “of course not.” Interactions like that suggests a flippant attitude concerning safety or physical control, and a willingness to take a more chaotic approach. That suggests a perciever. In addition, statements like “there is always a choice” seem more reminiscent of someone with a high introverted judging function. Throughout the series, he generally appears more detached like a thinker, and prone to isolation like an introvert. Our current theory is INTP, but it’s not something we can fully settle on due to the lack of support. Hopefully, he gets more development in future seasons.

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