Myers-Briggs Types in Spy X Family: Yor Forger (INFP)

MBTI and Myers-Briggs related content

Spy X Family is an incredibly enjoyable anime that Ryan and I recommend wholeheartedly. It provides lighthearted entertainment, with the perfect mix of comedy and action. We already typed Loid Forger from Spy X Family, which you can read here. Yor Forger was a bit harder to peg down, for a couple of reasons. The most obvious is that she gets less focused on than Loid, so her development happens at a much slower pace. The second reason is that she fits into a couple of different tropes, that can make her easy to mistype at a glance. For instance, her job as an assassin and general tendency to be physically adept might drive someone to label her as an ISFP. Or, her desire for a simple life, her role as a mother, and her tendency to want to please those sheโ€™s close to might point people toward ISFJ. However, we believe thereโ€™s a solid case for Yor being the INFP Myers-Briggs personality type (colloquially known as MBTI), which weโ€™ll explain below.

The Myers-Briggs Personality Type of Yor Forger

Dominant Fi:

โ€œWhat I heard is that thereโ€™s a traitorous scumbag staying here.โ€

โ€œItโ€™s happening so fast, but heโ€™s probably the only person in the world who could accept me for who I am.โ€

โ€œI know theyโ€™ll vouch for us. We just have to believe.โ€

โ€œWhat Loid wants to do with his life is none of my business.โ€

Yor is a meek and quiet individual who lives primarily in her own internal world. She tends to zone out around others, which can lead to her being disconnected from her surroundings. (For instance, sheโ€™s shown walking into a streetlamp, and other times seeming confused when addressed suddenly.)

Yor doesnโ€™t pay much attention to social expectations by default. For instance, Yor isnโ€™t bothered by her lack of a boyfriend until her brother expresses concern about it. To make matters worse, her coworkers suggest that someone her age without a husband or prospect of some kind is highly suspicious. As a secret assassin, Yor begins worrying when they point this out, and only then feels truly compelled to resolve the issue. In other words, social expectations didnโ€™t bother (and she didnโ€™t really notice them) until they directly interfered with her security and intimate relationships. This is shown on multiple other occasions, such as feeling the need to maintain good work relationships for the sake of her brother rather than for the sake of endearing herself to the group.

Yor has a strong sense of right and wrong. While she started her work as an assassin in order to support her brother, she believes what sheโ€™s doing is for the greater good, in spite of its sinister nature. In addition, she instantly launches into action whenever she sees someone in trouble. Yor often chooses to trusts her feelings, even if they lead her to make a decision that doesnโ€™t seem logical.

When Yor accepts Loidโ€™s marriage proposal, she thinks to herself that heโ€™s the only one who can accept her for who she is, which is something that is very important to her. In return, she accepts him as he is. She goes along with their arrangement, but doesnโ€™t stick her nose in his business. Essentially, she keeps expectations out of it. Yor lets him do his thing without meddling in his affairs, and rarely seems bothered by being left in the dark. In other words, her focus is overall individualistic in nature.

Auxiliary Ne:

โ€œVariety is the spice of life.โ€

โ€œIโ€™ve read somewhere that your first kiss tastes like lemons. Thatโ€™ll go perfectly with this marinated fish.โ€

Yor is a perceiver through and through. For instance, she makes the sudden decision to marry Loid, after only knowing him for a couple of days. In addition, she expresses the desire for Anya to enjoy her time at school, rather than just work hard. Even going to the grocery store shows Yorโ€™s tendency to not think things out too far in advance. At one point, Yor doesnโ€™t know what sheโ€™s going to cook later, or what everything is that sheโ€™s buying, but she figures sheโ€™ll be covered if she just buys a few of each.

When it comes to Ne evidence specifically, Yor frequently gets lost in potential scenarios, struggling to stay in the moment as a result. Some of these scenarios are decidedly paranoid, but she seems to place some degree of trust in them regardless. For instance, when she loses Anya at a pet show, Yorโ€™s first concern is that one of the dogs had eaten the girl. After a moment, she realizes that scenario is unrealistic, and then moves on to consider kidnapping. Once that appears to be the case, Yor gets it in her head that the kidnappers were stealing Anya to marry her off, even though there was nothing to physically suggest this possibility. She even proclaims to the kidnappers that Anya is too young to get married.

Yorโ€™s tendency to run scenarios doesnโ€™t just happen in extreme situations like the one above. On a daily basis, she mentally plays out scenarios such as getting surrounded by children if she dresses like a teacher, or Anya getting expelled for forgetting her gym clothes. Yor overall has a very vivid imagination, which is demonstrated exceptionally well when she imagines showing Anya her second job for Anyaโ€™s job investigation assignment.

Tertiary Si:

Yorโ€™s internal world tends to be very detailed. It never appears to be vague. Instead, sheโ€™ll fixate on the small details of the different scenarios that she runs. Anyaโ€™s job investigation assignment mentioned above is a good example of this. Yor imagines taking Anya on an assassination, teaching her proper techniques, explaining anatomy to her, and even what excuse theyโ€™d give Loid for the blood on their clothing.

Although, Yor doesnโ€™t get the same prominent focus in this series as Loid, she does appear to associate current happenings to past experience or memories. For instance, she holds hands with Anya for the first time, and feels reminded of when her brother was that little. She then jumps to a somewhat unrelated memory of hugging him too hard and breaking two of his ribs. Yor then reminds herself that she โ€œcanโ€™t do that again.โ€

Inferior Te:

Yor often feels insecure about her capabilities in the real world. She has certain things that she feels confident in, such as cleaning and killing. However, beyond that, she suffers from feelings of inferiority, especially in regard to cooking and motherhood. Similarly, when a former female colleague of Loidโ€™s shows up, Yor worries that Loid will deem this new woman to be a better wife and mother. However, she tries to hide these feelings from Loid, for the most part, and does strive to improve however possible. For instance, when it comes to cooking, she secretly takes lessons from a co-worker.

Yor is not typically shown forming concrete plans on her own. She responds to the moment, follows orders, or follows Loidโ€™s lead. Sheโ€™s not driven by any specific ambition, beyond the good she believes sheโ€™s doing in her job or caring for those close to her. Yor readily allows Loid to provide the structure in the family.

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