Fi vs. Fe: Are FPs More Private Than FJs?

The longer I study personality theory, the more I begin to notice flawed ways in which certain cognitive functions are rationalized and/or explained. Sometimes the rationale seems to make sense on the surface, but ultimately doesn’t measure up to reality. My focus in this article will be on a specific misunderstanding regarding Fi vs. Fe. Namely, is Fi, or Introverted Feeling, innately more private than Fe, or Extraverted Feeling? Are FPs more private than FJs?
As I’m sure you know, every cognitive function has a two possible orientations: extroversion and introversion. Typically, the best way to describe a cognitive function is to start with the simplest explanation and then build on it. With that in mind, the go-to way to explain the feeling functions is oftentimes this: Fi introverts feelings, while Fe extraverts feelings.
The logic is actually extremely straightforward, hence why so many people end up using it. Basically, if Fi is introverting feelings then obviously they aren’t expressing them. They internalize what they’re feeling, resulting in being extremely private individuals who only share with people they can connect with deeply. As a result, they can often come across as cold or stoic individuals.
If you’ve been into Myers-Briggs, the cognitive functions, the 16 types, or etcetera for any length of time, I’m sure you’ve heard this description of Fi. To be honest, I’ve actually fallen into that trap myself. If you were to scour our old articles, you could probably find Ryan and I using that logic occasionally.
Now, please don’t misunderstand me, I’m not saying that’s outright wrong. Fi users can certainly be extremely private. However, there are two incorrect assumptions that this logic results in.
1. Fe users are not private (since they’re extraverting feelings)
2. Fi users are never emotionally expressive people
I’m going to address each of these points individually to see whether or not this approach to explaining Fi vs. Fe holds up to reality.
Fe users are not private (since they’re extraverting feelings)
Comparing, for instance, an ESFJ to an ISFP will obviously make Fe users look more expressive, right? An ESFJ is extraverted, and oftentimes (although not always), that will result in them being socially extraverted. Naturally, a socially extraverted feeler will probably be more willing to express emotion than a socially introverted feeler… but what about comparing an ISFJ or an INFJ to an INFP or an ISFP? Is an INFP really more private than an INFJ? Not from what I’ve seen.
In my experience, someone who is socially introverted is generally more private than someone who is not. That makes sense, right? I’ve seen plenty of IXFJs who are quiet and private.
Okay, so what does it mean to be an Fe user? How can you be extraverting feelings and still be private? Well, that phrasing is actually a bit misleading. Extraversion in typology is object-oriented or objective. In other words, the focus is outside of self, on an external object, without subjective, personalized filtering. (For more information, read Objectivity vs. Subjectivity.) An Fe user is focused on the external emotional environment. These emotions that they’re focused on are not necessarily their own, although their emotions are often tied into the emotional well being of the external environment. Fe users are known for reflecting the atmosphere around them, which is not the same thing as sharing their own personal feelings with everyone. One can be private and still be emotionally expressive.
Of course, this leads straight into the next point…
Fi users are never emotionally expressive people
Building off of the logic from before, what about a socially extraverted Fi user? Can they be emotionally expressive? If you haven’t met one personally, the stereotypes alone seem to suggest that can be the case. In fact, many ENFP and ESFP descriptions often describe them as bubbly, enthusiastic, warm, passionate, and etc. The ones that tend to be a lot more stoic are usually the Fi dominants, because they are more likely to be socially introverted. (Notice, I said more likely. An EXFP can be socially introverted, and an IXFP can be socially extraverted.) Of course, as mentioned before, one can be expressive without sharing all of their deeply felt and private emotions. Some emotions are more surface level or shallow than others. An Fi user is certainly not guaranteed to a cold, reserved, or stoic individual. Some Fi users are really open about their feelings, whether on purpose (authenticity), or because they generally lack control over their emotions.
In reality, there are so many factors that go into whether or not someone is emotionally reserved. A prominent one is upbringing. Some people are encouraged to be more stoic, while others are encouraged to be warm and expressive. For instance, INFP and ISFP males sometimes feel pressured or compelled to act more like a stereotypical thinker. As a result, many IXFP men will act more stoic. In the reverse, women are sometimes encouraged to be more “feeling” which can result in their feeling function being emphasized or developed more quickly.
Another factor can be whether or not the Fi user has been hurt in the past. Some people are more trusting than others due to their life experiences. Those who are more trusting tend to be more willing to share themselves, while those who have a history of being betrayed or attacked will be much more hesitant and stand-offish.
In conclusion…
Ultimately, I view emotional expression to be more related to social extraversion, openness, self-confidence, or maybe even self-control. (There are people of all types who explode their emotions out on everyone.) An Fi user “introverting feelings” has more to do with introspection or self-evaluation. In other words, being closely in touch with their own feelings. Fi is a feeling-based introspection function. Fi users often describe having a strong memory for emotions because they “introvert feelings”. They internalize their emotional responses to things, build a value system with these personalized feelings in mind, and from there form their sense of self and identity.
In the reverse, Fe users often look to others to help interpret their emotions. Their focus is so often on the external environment that they can, at times, lose touch with their personal feelings or misunderstand (or misinterpret) their own motivations. (Don’t get me wrong; this does not make them more selfless than an Fi user. Fi and Fe are equally likely to be selfish or selfless. It’s more a matter of framing.)
The bottom line here is that Fi users aren’t cold or stoic by nature, just like Fe users aren’t the only ones that’ll ever be warm.
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Good point. The way I see it is that we can place expressiveness in 3 tiers of reliably with the knowledge that exceptions exist for all three.
1.) Social extroversion. In my experience socially expressive people are almost always socially extroverted.
2.) Jungian extroverts seemed to be in general more expressive. Again, exceptions exist, but on the whole I would say types with a dominant extroverted function tend to be more expressive.
3.) I may be disagreeing with you here (I don’t think I am), but I do think Fe is more likely to be expressive (in a statistical sense) than Fi users. That being said, I don’t trust statistics. They always have secretive plans behind them. So, this is evidence that only be used with evidence for both functions are weak. Most contrary arguments will defeat it. 1 > 0 but almost any other number is > than 1. (This is the extent of math ability).
Funny enough, I just reread the article on Oda’s personality type as ENTP. The argument for expressiveness being Fe is used, but not in a way that I think is negative. It’s made pretty clear that you were just thinking aloud. I only bring it up because you two should write more personality bleed articles. It’s may be the best thing you guys have done (meaning the concept), and that is saying a lot. It’s just such a brilliant and obvious concept, and this may be because of my own type, but I am fascinated by how our personality impacts our art. It’s like we package our DNA with every ink drop.
I generally agree with everything you said, including point 3. Fe users tend to be reflective of the social/emotional environment, whereas the Fi users need to personally connect with it or feel whatever is going on in order to emote. (They gotta feel it for themselves.) Fe users draw from without, while Fi draws from within. So with that being said, I can easily see how Fe users might have a greater probability of being more expressive. (Obviously, other factors exists, and blah blah blah disclaimer.) Even lower Fe users will tend to feel a need to reflect on some basic level, so I tend to be suspicious of extremely stoic or cold high Ti users… when I see no amount of reflecting ever going on. But now, I’m rambling, lol.
You know, I honestly kind of forgot about our personality bleed category. It has been a while since I’ve thought about writing one of those. I’ll have to see if I can summon some inspiration.
Thanks for the comments!
The names given to the functions can be the source of much confusion. There’s nothing to point to and say this is Introverted Feeling and that is extroverted feeling. All the functions are located entirely in the psyche. If a person only scratches the surface even the word “feeling” will be interpreted in many ways such as emotion or sensation or perhaps more and same for Introvert and extrovert.
I agree with you, when It comes to Emotional expression or lack of, a person should not look to cognitive functions. Emotions play a role in personality but as an after thought. It Emotion itself is not personality driven and It would be crazy to create an identity out of emotional habits. I believe emotions play an important part, but they’re not the star.
I would say while the feeling function has to do with value systems that are behind the emotions do have a connection to the feeling function. The Reasoning system which we call the thinking function is what is behind actual thoughts and word formation but the thinking function is not talking about thinking/thought itself. The thinking function is not that voice in your head. hah. The functions are the parts that orchestrate the personality type. It logical that because Thinking and feeling functions are the Judging functions they would carry out different tasks but do it in almost identical ways. Of course the judging function would be useless without the perceiving functions.
My grammar is awful. I’m no writer that’s obvious. If I had more time to devote to It I would have tried to make it a bit easier to read. Oh well. Monkey fingers and all that. With all that said I hope It’s somewhat easy to read.
Appreciation comment.
It has been a while since I discovered PracticalTyping and I have to say, I’m genuinely impressed by how good and accurate your articles are, all clear and well written.
No bias, idealisms nor stereotypes here.
I really appreciate that.
I’m glad you and your website exist.
Before that, I felt so lost going from site to site, striving to find a reliable and complete resource on the personality system.
Unfortunately, there are too many vague and inaccurate sites out there.
So, thank you for existing.
That’s all.
I really had this urge to share my thought with you all amazing people.
Keep on writing!
Thanks so much! Glad we can be helpful!
Great article!
I detest the stereotype of expressing emotions at all equals Fe user. Reminds me of seeing a PDB profile for someone who I’m pretty sure is probably a Fi user, they were voted basically unanimously as Fe for the sole reason of having a lot of facial expressions. This person’s an *actor*. They use facial expressions when they are *acting*. *Facepalms*
Some have suggested before that I could be a Fe user (I’m not lol) simply because I’ve said that I’m not very good at hiding my emotions at least sometimes. If that ever happens again, now I got this article to point them to!
And the Fi private stereotype, yes thank you thank you. As an FP type myself, I tend to tell people how I feel often enough. A major flaw of mine, especially when I was younger, has been doing this too much sometimes, being too honest. “If you have nothing nice to say, don’t say anything” was something I heard a lot as a child. One person described me as being someone who speaks their mind. I also often quite enjoy venting and complaining. Soooo yeah, not that private about my emotions.
I think a lot of Fi users tend to value emotional honesty. And especially if a Fi user’s using their Te, you hear their emotionally based opinions and judgements. Again, not that private.
Lol, thanks Viper. I’ve heard similar sentiments from other Fi users: about them valuing emotional honesty and being perfectly willing to express what they’re feeling. Logically, tying openness like that to Fe vs. Fi really doesn’t make sense, since we all know that social extraverts tend to be generally expressive.
This is one of your greatest articles yet! I admire your work and website, just a suggestion but maybe you should join in the MBTI training to show and sharpen your skills sometime, especially when you’ve got this thing down…
You might be a professional someday — so thank you for creating this resource which helps many people… I really enjoy reading your content