Code Geass: Lelouch vi Britannia (INTJ)

MBTI and Myers-Briggs related content


“If happiness had a form, what would it look like? It might be something like glass, because one doesn’t notice it normally. However, it is actually there. As proof, if you look at it from a different angle, the glass will reflect light. It will state it’s presence and existence more eloquently than any other thing in this world.

“If strength is justice, then is powerlessness a crime?”

“Time flows constantly, it doesn’t care about the people who are struggling.

Lelouch is a clear Ni dominant, a fact which is demonstrated frequently throughout the show. When planning and moving the resistance, he always prefers to stay in the shadows or at a distance, moving around his men from behind the scenes. He excels at subterfuge and making “plans within plans within plans.” He is frequently seen making strategic movements off of vague or assumed information. A good example of him being an Ni dominant rather than a Te dominant is displayed when he plays Schneizel in a game of chess. Schneizel makes a move on the board that would allow Lelouch to win, but Lelouch realizes that something isn’t quite right; so instead of seizing the opportunity to end the match, he withdraws his own king to safety. This is a general picture of his preference in the show. He will take risks, but not blatant ones. He tends to be more cautious. Lelouch also has what he considers to be the only path toward fixing the empire. This is an example of him having a sort of Ni tunnel vision that blocks out other possibilities in favor of his one chosen course. He narrows in on the only solution that he sees for Japan and does everything in his power to force it to happen.


“You can’t change the world without getting your hands dirty.”

“Before creation there must be destruction. If my soul stands in the way, then I’ll toss it aside. Yes, I have no choice but to move forward.”

“The ideal tool for controlling people is fear. And nothing overwhelms people more than an unseen fear.”

Lelouch’s Te comes out in the very matter of fact way that he deals with others in both his normal life and when disguised as Zero. He is straightforward, blunt, and oftentimes cold. He very clearly prescribes to the belief that the ends justify the means. He does not shy away from doing things that he feels must be done, and getting his hands dirty. He has sacrificed civilians, his own men, and even those close to him. This includes murdering Euphemia in order to keep his overall goal intact after having given her an accidental command to kill all of the Japanese. Her actions were his fault, but that was something he could not change so he worked it into his plan. He is willing to sacrifice his morals and even some of his sanity in the pursuit of his one goal, even though he realizes that the further he goes the more he loses himself in the process. In spite of this, his Ni tunnel vision and Te drive thrust him forward.


“You will never be able to love anybody else until you love yourself…”

“To defeat evil, I must become a greater evil.”

“When there is evil in this world that justice cannot defeat, would you taint your hands with evil to defeat evil? Or would you remain steadfast and righteous even if it means surrendering to evil?”

Lelouch’s tertiary Fi is embodied in the way that he desires to protect and shield his younger sister from harm. He initially believes that he is doing his actions for her sake so that she can live a better life. His Fi also manifests in the way that he is self aware that certain actions are eating away at his morality. Inferior Fi would be less aware of this and would more likely realize what happened to their morals after the fact rather than as it was happening. In spite of going off the rails to a degree, Lelouch still holds that what he is doing is the right thing, and he maintains a certain sense of standards even when they do become warped.


Inferior Se is shown in the way that Lelouch would prefer to keep himself out of the middle of the fray. Toward the beginning of the show, there is a moment where he freezes up when he realizes that his plans are falling apart and the resistance soldiers are not following his orders. This is a good depiction of the way inferior Se struggles at times to think on their feet when their original plans begin to fall apart. He also has a penchant for getting bored which drives him to seek out some sort of physical stimulation which seems to be an Se trait across the board.

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