Myers-Briggs Types in Samurai Jack: Aku (ENTP)

in Movie/TV MBTI Types, Paid Requests

Samurai Jack has two main characters, each with very distinct Myers-Briggs personality types (colloquially known as MBTI). We arrived at ENTP for Aku fairly quickly, after the show started giving us a closer look at his personality type. Read the analysis below, and be sure to check out Myers-Briggs Types in Samurai Jack: Jack (ISFP). [โ€ฆ]

By Mara on August 26, 2022

Myers-Briggs Types in Samurai Jack: Jack (ISFP)

in Movie/TV MBTI Types, Paid Requests

Samurai Jack has two main characters, each with very distinct Myers-Briggs personality types (colloquially known as MBTI). Samurai Jack presents almost immediately as a Fi user. We briefly considered ISTJ before landing on ISFP. Read the analysis below, and be sure to check out Myers-Briggs Types in Samurai Jack: Aku (ENTP). The Myers-Briggs Personality Type [โ€ฆ]

By Mara on August 23, 2022

Three Myers-Briggs Personality Types of Sherlock Holmes: A Comparative Analysis

in Book MBTI Types, Movie/TV MBTI Types

Sherlock Holmes has had many faces in media, resulting in multiple different personality types, especially in regards to Myers-Briggs (colloquially known as MBTI). I know that may seem odd. After all, if every rendition is based on the same character, how could his Myers-Briggs personality vary? Well, each recreation has had its own unique flavor, [โ€ฆ]

By Mara on July 28, 2022

Myers-Briggs Types in Sherlock Holmes (2009): John Watson (ESTJ)

in Movie/TV MBTI Types

Robert Downey Jrโ€™s version of Sherlock Holmes presented an entirely new take on Sherlockโ€™s personality, which required a new take on John Watson. After all, different combinations of Myers-Briggs personality types (colloquially known as MBTI) provide different balances. This version of John Watson seems most consistent with that of an ESTJ. We hope this makes [โ€ฆ]

By Ryan and Mara on July 21, 2022

The MBTI Personality Types in How To Train Your Dragon

in Movie/TV MBTI Types

Once upon a time, someone requested the MBTI type of Hiccup from How To Train Your Dragon, but with the request list backup, we didnโ€™t get around to it until just recently. Of course, it seemed like a shame to watch all three movies and only produce one solitary article. However, the other characters donโ€™t [โ€ฆ]

By Mara on July 14, 2022

The Myers-Briggs Type of John Wick (ISFP)

in Movie/TV MBTI Types, Paid Requests

John Wick barely talks, which makes his personality type extremely difficult to determine, because cognition, not behavior, determines someoneโ€™s Myers-Briggs personality type (colloquially known as MBTI). The best way to understand how someone thinks is to listen to them speak. Regardless, after really thinking through this character, we believe ISFP for John Wick makes the [โ€ฆ]

By Ryan and Mara on June 23, 2022

Myers-Briggs Types in Sherlock Holmes (2009): Sherlock Holmes (ENTP)

in Movie/TV MBTI Types, Paid Requests

Nearly every character that Robert Downey Jr. plays has the ENTP Myers-Briggs personality type (colloquially known as MBTI). His version ofย  Sherlock Holmes from this series is no exception. Of course, weโ€™ll make sure to provide a breakdown of our reasoning below. If youโ€™re curious to explore other versions of Sherlock, make sure to check [โ€ฆ]

By Mara on May 26, 2022

Myers-Briggs Types in How To Train Your Dragon: Hiccup (INTP)

in Movie/TV MBTI Types

Hiccup from How To Train Your Dragon is a good example of the INTP Myers-Briggs personality type (colloquially known as MBTI). We considered other personality types, but landed fairly quickly on NTP. Hopefully this make sense, and if you havenโ€™t already, be sure to check The MBTI Personality Types in How To Train Your Dragon. [โ€ฆ]

By Mara on May 19, 2022

Myers-Briggs Types in The Batman (2022): Bruce Wayne (ISFP)

in Movie/TV MBTI Types

This version of Batman seems strikingly different from previous versions, and weโ€™re not just referring to the constant look of melancholy in his eyes. He acts and presents himself significantly different from previous iterations of Batman and Bruce Wayne. After careful consideration of possible Myers-Briggs personality types (colloquially known as MBTI), we ultimately decided that [โ€ฆ]

By Mara on April 21, 2022

The MBTI Personality Types in the Emperorโ€™s New Groove

in Movie/TV MBTI Types

Ah, Emperorโ€™s New Groove. Maybe itโ€™s the child in me, but I love this movie. I die of laughter every time I watch it. The other day Ryan randomly suggested we watch the movie again. Of course, after blogging about personality theory for over three years, we naturally analyze characters every time we watch anything, [โ€ฆ]

By Mara on March 3, 2022