Introversion vs Extraversion

in Jungian Theory, Personality Theory 101

Introversion vs Extraversion was the very first article we ever published on this blog. Of course, looking back on it, I cringe. Considering how integral this topic is, I thought it was worth a rewrite, so here we are. People say a lot of things about introversion vs extraversion, in regard to how the two […]

By Mara on June 12, 2023

Real Inferior Fe based on Carl Jung

in Function Analysis, Jungian Theory

In the past, I’ve written multiple articles about inferior Fe. I wrote Inferior Fe from the Mind of an ISTP, Positive Inferior Fe from the Mind of an ISTP, and Inferior Fe in Relation to Social Anxiety. Unfortunately, I believe I made an error in regard to its true nature. I’m not saying that my […]

By Mara on March 21, 2023

Objectivity vs. Subjectivity

in Jungian Theory, Personality Theory 101

There seems to be some false notions floating around the type community that these two terms mean the difference between something that is true, verified and trusted versus something that is false, biased, and untrustworthy. There is a lot of extra meanings and assumptions being piled onto these terms that are not part of their […]

By Ryan and Mara on May 10, 2021