Am I an INFP or an ISTJ?

in Typing Dilemmas

I know what some of you may be thinking right about now. Why would you do a typing dilemma for whether someone is an INFP or ISTJ? Those two types are nothing alike. While on the surface you would be right, there are certain scenarios that can cause the line between them to blur. They […]

By Ryan on August 9, 2021

5 Challenges When Typing Children

in Advanced Typing

Can you type children? Maybe. Probably. Most likely you can get close. Like all things, there is a catch and things you have to look out for, seeing these tiny humans are still in the beginning stages of cognitive development so their functions may not manifest in quite the same ways as the information online […]

By Ryan on July 13, 2021

10 ISTJ Stereotypes

in Stereotypes

So, let’s talk about ISTJ stereotypes. Usually when we write an article like this, we are busting exaggerated, overly positive, and self aggrandizing traits of a type. However, there are so little positive stereotypes for ISTJ that I will basically be spending this entire article wading through all of the hate that the community has […]

By Ryan on May 24, 2021

The True Nature of Introverted Sensing (Si)

in Function Analysis

Introverted Sensing, or Si, seems to be a function that both gets a lot of flak for being boring, basic, and easy to understand, but also gets completely mischaracterized and misunderstood. You may have heard it said, generically speaking, that Si essentially chalks up to memory or remembering things. People claim that its detailed nature […]

By Ryan on April 26, 2021

Extraversion in Typology

in Personality Typing 101

One thing that you find a lot in typology circles is that people seem to automatically assume that those who lead with an extraverted function (Ne, Se, Te, Fe) will automatically be a social butterfly. They expect that the term ‘extraversion’, as it is traditionally is used, translates directly over to the extraverted functions. This, […]

By Ryan on March 8, 2021

Similarities between Tertiary Feelers

in Function Analysis

The longer you are immersed in the world of type, the more patterns and parallels you start to see emerge, sometimes between functions and placements that you wouldn’t even expect. One of those instances will be the subject of today’s article. I have noticed that function placement can do a lot in the way of […]

By Ryan on February 1, 2021

4 Tiers of Typing Evidence

in Personality Typing 101

If you have been reading our blog for any amount of time, you may have heard us talk about different types of evidence when it comes to typing characters in shows and the people around us. We have mentioned how some evidence is more compelling than other pieces, but as of yet, we haven’t really […]

By Ryan on January 18, 2021

Speculations on the Brain and Personality

in Speculations/Ramblings

I think an oft time neglected aspect of personality theory is how it relates to the brain and how the brain functions. After all, at the end of the day cognitive functions are literally the result of the physical organ inside your cranium processing and deciding what to do with everything. Your brain is essentially […]

By Ryan on November 9, 2020

Tertiary Functions Part 2: Se/Si/Ne/Ni

in Function Analysis

Hey everyone! This part two of my tertiary function descriptions. As before, there seems to be a lot of varied opinions as to the tertiary function’s inner workings and usefulness. We’ve seen everything from assertions that it can be healthy for it to replace your auxiliary function to it being only slightly more useful than […]

By Ryan on October 19, 2020

Tertiary Functions Part 1: Te/Ti/Fe/Fi

in Function Analysis

Ah yes, the tertiary functions. There seems to be a lot of varied opinions as to its inner workings and usefulness. We’ve seen everything from assertions that it can be healthy for it to replace your auxiliary function to it being only slightly more useful than your inferior. As with any set of extreme opinions, […]

By Ryan on October 12, 2020