Pirates of the Caribbean: Hector Barbossa (INTJ)

in Movie/TV MBTI Types

Ni: โ€œFirst, your return to shore was not part of our negotiations nor our agreement so I must do nothing. And secondly, you must be a pirate for the pirateโ€™s code to apply and youโ€™re not. And thirdly, the code is more what youโ€™d call โ€œguidelinesโ€ than actual rules.โ€ โ€œYes, we know that one. Anything [โ€ฆ]

By Mara on January 27, 2020

Pirates of the Caribbean: Elizabeth Swann (ESFP)

in Movie/TV MBTI Types

Se: โ€œI think it would be rather exciting to meet a pirate.โ€ โ€œNo, they will see free men and freedom! And what the enemy will see is the flash of our cannons. They will hear the ring of our swords, and they will know what we can do. By the strength of our brows and [โ€ฆ]

By Mara on January 16, 2020

11 Differences Between Si and Se Users

in Function Analysis

Sometime last year, I wrote an article on the 11 Differences Between Te and Ti Users. That article caught some steam, and someone ended up requesting that we write an article for each of the other dichotomy pairs. Of course, I did intend to do that anywayโ€ฆ but forgot. Heh heh. Anyways, hereโ€™s article number [โ€ฆ]

By Mara on January 13, 2020

5 Signs That Youโ€™re Actually An Extravert

in Personality Theory 101

Classically, the difference between extraversion and introversion is framed in terms of how one recharges their energy. An extravert is supposed to recharge around people, while and introvert is supposed to recharge alone. While Iโ€™m not completely dismissing that concept, it isnโ€™t really the root of what makes someone an extravert or an introvert. What [โ€ฆ]

By Mara on January 6, 2020

Alexander Grothendieck (ENTJ)

in Significant Figures MBTI Types

Not gonna lie โ€“ this was simultaneously the most frustrating and the most interesting character typing we have ever done. In my opinion anyway. Iโ€™m not sure if Ryan feels the same, ha ha. I learned something though โ€“ always go straight for the quotes and then read biographical information. Much simpler. Although, note that [โ€ฆ]

By Mara on January 2, 2020

The Identity Functions: Inferior Ti and Fi

in Function Analysis

Iโ€™m piggy-backing this article off of my previous identity functions article, which you can find here: The Identity Functions: Fi and Ti. While I never actually intended to write a second part to that article, Ryan and I had an intriguing realization recently that I felt instantly compelled to write down. Let me take a [โ€ฆ]

By Mara on December 30, 2019

6 Introverted Feeling (Fi) Stereotypes

in Stereotypes

I originally sat down to write an article about a very specific Fi, or Introverted Feeling, stereotype, but as I started rambling, I realized that I was about to cover far more than just one. And thus, this article has been completely reorganized before it even began. What is Introverted Feeling (Fi)? For those who [โ€ฆ]

By Mara on December 9, 2019

Kara no Kyoukai: Mikiya Kokutou (ESFJ)

in Anime/Manga MBTI Types

Fe: โ€œIโ€™d kill myself because I wouldnโ€™t have the courage to keep on living while everyone in Tokyo was against me.โ€ โ€œPlease do something about your crude language .โ€ โ€œI invited you. Why didnโ€™t you come?โ€ โ€œIโ€™ll bear your sins in your place.โ€ Mikiya appears to lead with Extraverted Feeling. Heโ€™s very warm, friendly, and [โ€ฆ]

By Mara on November 28, 2019

Comparing the Look-alikes: INTP vs. ISTP vs. INTJ

in Typing Dilemmas

The INTJ, INTP and ISTP types have often been called โ€œlook-alikeโ€ personalities. I personally think that thatโ€™s in part due to mistypesโ€ฆ In day-to-day life, INTJs and INTPs come across very differently in my experience. There are certain scenarios in which an ISTP will appear similar to an INTJ, but those two as a whole [โ€ฆ]

By Mara on October 31, 2019

Sherlock (BBC): John Watson (ISFJ)

in Movie/TV MBTI Types

Si: โ€œWeโ€™ve only just met, and weโ€™re going to go and look at a flat? โ€ฆWe donโ€™t know a thing about each other. I donโ€™t know where weโ€™re meeting, I donโ€™t even know your name.โ€ โ€œThatโ€™s not a plan.โ€ โ€œNo, the address. Where is he exactly?โ€ John Watson (from BBCโ€™s Sherlock) is a classic ISFJ. [โ€ฆ]

By Mara on October 28, 2019