Pokemon Adventures: Green (ENFJ)

MBTI and Myers-Briggs related content

So. I realized. That the request-er didn’t actually ask for Green. But of course, by the time I realized this, I’d already written Green. So, here’s Green. XD


“You must be such a good Pokemon trainer! It was so thrilling to watch you in action!”

“Can you ever forgive me for playing such a mean trick? I wasn’t thinking straight! I mean, I was just so glad to meet you!”

“Together you can win! Separately you can just keep score! What do you think this is, a video game?”

Green from Pokemon Adventures leads with extraverted feeling. When she’s first introduced, she’s shown emotionally manipulating Red multiple times to get him to buy items from her. She flatters him shamelessly, declaring how thrilling he is to watch in action and what a good Pokemon trainer he is. Later, she guilts him into dropping his guard once again. Green hugs him, sheds a few tears, begs for his forgiveness, and etc. She is shown using these type of tactics with other people in multiple other scenarios as well. She is witty and usually tries to talk her way out of every situation. However, she doesn’t always just use her Fe for “evil”. Later, in Fire Red & Leaf Green, she’s shown being the more sensitive one amongst the three of them. For instance, she chases down Red when he’s having an emotional crisis. She attempts to empathize with him and encourage him to keep fighting. She affirms that no one can really understand what he’s feeling, or force him to feel differently. Green is also shown encouraging Red and Blue to work together in order to achieve the best possible outcome.


“I guess this is my fate. I became a fighter while I was separated from you. I’m destined to fight evil…”

“They do all the work…and I get what I’m after! Ooooo, I’m good!”

Green relies on trickery and subtle manipulation to achieve her goals. She lies, pickpockets, steal, and etc. However, beyond these more obvious tactics, she also typically has an ulterior motive in all of her dealings with others. She convinces Blue and Red to work together, so she can essentially prosper off of their combined strength to steal what she’s trying to steal. In another instance, she pretends to let Red beat her and take back what she’s stolen from him… all so she can steal his badges, which are far more valuable. Green is very strategic. In one instance, she keeps a fake copy of a disk that she has stolen on hand, which she eventually allows her enemy to steal back from her, all the while making them believe that they’ve taken the real thing. Green keeps an eye out for opportunities, and takes advantage of every situation, no matter how dangerous. This suggests a lack of Si, since security is not being prioritized. Green also uses her Ni to understand and guess what Red is thinking when he falls into a brief depression after losing an important battle.


“Judging by your fly away hair and tacky outfit, you aren’t cute ‘n’ stylish like me!”

Green’s Se is demonstrated in part through her more physical tactics, for instance, pick pocketing and stealing. She also purely desires money, which suggests Se indulgence. She’s willing to put herself into risky situations for monetary gain, and she’s always looking out for opportunities. She sticks around during a battle that Red is involved in to try to take pictures of a phantom Pokemon, which she believes that she can sell for good money. She also lets other people fight her battles for her, and manipulates them into doing so whenever possible, which suggests low Se. Lastly, at one point in the middle of a battle, she chides her enemy for a lack of style, which again suggests a low use of Se in the form of aesthetics.


Green typically isn’t shown stating absolutes or attempting to physically control her environment, beyond the obvious emotional/social manipulation. Other people also don’t frequently know what’s going on inside her heard, as she keeps most of her logic and reasoning to herself, which is a symptom of the combination of Ni and Ti. Ti also aids her in the manipulation of others, allowing her to take her objective Fe observations, and use them, insensitively, to her advantage.

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