The Myers-Briggs Personality Types in Demon Slayer

MBTI and Myers-Briggs related content

Demon Slayer has a variety of characters, but only Tanjiro, as the main protagonist, gets enough character development to justify discussing his Myers-Briggs personality type in-depth. However, that doesnโ€™t mean that no other characters in Demon Slayer have identifiable personality types. In fact, there are quite a few that we can make reasonable guesses to what their personality types are. Therefore, weโ€™re writing this group article to briefly cover some of the more significant characters. For the record, while we have written an individual analysis of Tanjiro Kamado, we will be covering him very briefly in this article as well, for those whoโ€™d rather read the cliff notes.

The Myers-Briggs Personality Types in Demon Slayer

Tanjiro Kamado โ€“ ENFJ

โ€œBut when it comes to those who felt despair and regret from the actions they took as a demon, I will never disrespect them. Because at one time or another, they were human, no different from me. So please donโ€™t step on his remains!โ€

Tanjiro is not only considerate of others, but very polite and formal in the way that he talks. He has a deep respect for social etiquette. He scolds others like Inosuke and Zenitsu when they are being rude and violating those protocols. Tanjiro does not get stuck on past regrets and sorrows, even though the tragic death of his family makes him deeply sad. (This is even the case when plunged into a dream world, where theyโ€™re still alive.) Instead, he focuses solely on the fact that he still has Nezuko, and works toward the impossible mission of turning her back into a human.

Read More: Demon Slayer: Tanjiro Kamado (ENFJ)

Zenitsu Agatsuma โ€“ INFP

โ€œEven so, Iโ€™ve been deceived by others many times. Thatโ€™s because Iโ€™ve always stubbornly believed in whomever ever I wanted.โ€

Zenitsu is idealistic, believing in whomever he wants to, sometimes in spite of evidence to the contrary. He initially places his full, blind faith in Tanjiro, someone he barely knew, believing that Tanjiro must have a good reason for travelling with a demon. Many people identify Zenitsu as an ISFP. However, he often fails to live in the moment. Instead, heโ€™s frequently shown considering unrealistic conclusions, such as speculating that him and Nezuko would get married after hearing her say โ€œGood Morningโ€ to him for the first time.

Inosuke Hashibira โ€“ ESFP

โ€œSo? What do I care? Nothing can take away from this moment, and the pleasure I feel.โ€

Inosuke lives for the present moment and does not think much past his current situation. During his debut into the show, Inosuke is running around a demonโ€™s house, killing every demon he comes across. We initially considered ESTP for him, given that he generally comes across abrasive, like a thinker, and doesnโ€™t communicate any strong values. However, Inosuke displays more of a desire to control situations than he does to make sense of things. In addition, he follows his every impulse, and makes no effort to charm others. Inosuke is completely confident in himself and frequently declares that the others are his minions, while he is the king of the mountain. He primarily relies on instinct when fighting and has honed his body to be able to react to his senses on an almost subconscious level, which is put on display in numerous fights throughout the series.

Muzan Kibutsuji โ€“ ISTJ

โ€œHave I ever told you lot how much I detest change? Changes in circumstance, the changes of flesh, changes in oneโ€™s emotions. Most changes cause only weakness and inferiority, and I am not weak. What Iโ€™m interested in is permanence, to forever remain in perfect condition, immune to the disease of change.โ€

Reserved, calculated, patient, and cautious are probably the four most defining traits of Muzan. These traits are either demonstrated or outright stated to be true about him throughout the show. One of his most prominent statements is how much he hates change. Muzan is extremely cautious, to the point that he puts a curse on all demons so that they canโ€™t so much as even utter his name or talk about him. Muzan is reluctant to have many subordinates, but ultimately deems it necessary because of the difficulties in accomplishing his goal without them. While many identify him as an EXTJ, he makes more sense as an IXTJ, not only because of his excessive caution and hesitancy to work with others, but because heโ€™s too patient with his upper ranked demons. For instance, later in the series, his patience finally runs thin, and he berates them for failing to make any progress towards two major goals in spite of having centuries to do so.

Muichiro Tokito โ€“ INTP

โ€œThereโ€™s no reason to stop and fight it now. If the entire village is under attack, then the village chief comes first. Those with greater skills and talents are my top priority to protect. My objective is to annihilate that upper-ranked demon, and protect the village at all cost. Saving and inexperienced budding swordsmith wonโ€™t amount to anything.โ€

Muichiro Tokito, or the Mist Hashira, prioritizes reasoning and logic. He is most often breaking down situations into their logical components, devoid of emotional implications. This causes him and Tanjiro to clash when they first meet. It isnโ€™t until later, when Tanjiro awakens some of his lost memories, that Tokito starts taking emotional data into account. When Tanjiro acts in ways that Tokito does not understand, Tokito asks a lot of questions and speculates as to what his reasoning is. This inquisitive nature is fairly common for him. He also excels at logically analyzing past situations, which is demonstrated when he explains what the manifestation of a mark was like and what the prerequisites for obtaining one might be.

Giyu Tomioka โ€“ ISTJ

โ€œThe weak have no rights. They donโ€™t get to make choices. All they can do is be relentlessly crushed by the strong.โ€

Tomioka, or the Water Hashira, is one of the more quiet and reserved characters in the show. He mostly keeps to himself, only involving himself with other Hashira when itโ€™s absolutely necessary. It is later revealed that Tomioka struggles with imposter syndrome, not even considering himself one of the Hashira in spite of bearing the title and being extremely skilled. He is stuck on the period of time in his past, when he barely survived the entrance exam. He spends most of the entrance exam either getting saved by someone else, or passed out, ultimately believed that he passed it on a technicality. Due to this view point, Tomioka tries to keep out of decisions and only do what is required of him. Upon first meeting Tanjiro, Tomioka berates him for being weak, for groveling, and for making himself vulnerable. He internally empathizes with Tanjiro, but tries to incite Tanjiro to rage so heโ€™ll have the strength to avenge his family.

Kagaya Ubuyashiki โ€“ INFJ

โ€œI know what eternity is. Eternity is human feeling. Only human feelings last forever and are undying.โ€

Kagaya Ubuyashiki garners the affection and respect of all those who serve under him. In many ways, heโ€™s the INFJ stereotype. He refuses to accept personal protection, willing to put himself and his family at risk for the greater good. In addition, heโ€™s a long term planner and thinker. Heโ€™s able to predict Muzanโ€™s actions, and lure him into the ultimate trap. The two initially have a calm, philosophical discussion, before Kagaya Ubuyashiki finally decides to blow his home up, with his family and Muzan in it.

Sanemi Shinazugawa โ€“ ENTJ

โ€œNot so fast. Nobody here excused you. We still havenโ€™t decided what our respective roles will be in manifesting the mark.โ€

Sanemi Shinazugawa, or the Wind Hashira, constantly asserts his dominance, in addition to judging people by their external skills, or what they can contribute towards the ultimate mission. For example, he calls all of his trainees worthless, and believes that thereโ€™s no point in bothering to train them at all. During Hashira meetings, Shinazugawa tends to speak up concerning logistics and planning. As a general rule, he prefers to be in control, often trying to take charge of his surroundings. This sometimes surfaces as being extremely quick to act, even reckless at times, in an attempt to solve an immediate problem. For instance, heโ€™s the first to attack Nezuko once identifying her as a demon. Later, he tries to goad her into showing her true nature, by not just attacking her, but cutting his own arm and tempting her with his own blood.

Tengen Uzui โ€“ ENTP

โ€œAwash in vanity and desire of men and women. A town of the night swirling with love and hate.โ€

Tengen Uzui, or the Sound Hashira, likes to leave an impression on others. He has an overwhelming presence, a flare for the dramatic, and always has something to say. When something makes sense to him, he acts on it with little thought beyond it. This leads to him attempting to kidnap a few Demon Slayer girls from the Butterfly Mansion in order to enact a plan. Tengen is quick to adapt, as demonstrated by him easily settling for Tanjiro, Inosuke, and Zenitsu as his enlisted help in the girlsโ€™ places. He does this in spite of knowing that he needs females for his plan. Tengen can be quite charismatic when he wants to be, and this shows when they enter the pleasure district. He is able to charm his way through several situations to get information and plant each of them into one of the suspected houses.

Mitsuri Kanroji โ€“ ENFP

โ€œI remember now! I was searching for a worthy manโ€ฆ But I was also searching for a place to be myself!โ€

Mitsuri Kanroji, or the Love Hashira, is often labelled as an ESFJ, because she briefly tries to suppress her true self after being rejected by her intended husband. However, sheโ€™s only able to keep the act up briefly, and rejects the next suitor because she quickly realizes that she canโ€™t keep up the act for the rest of her life. Moving beyond that more extreme circumstance, thereโ€™s no indication that Mitsuri Kanroji adjusts herself to others or values conforming to a certain social code. Rather, she acts unabashedly herself, quirks and all. Kanroji is energetic, passionate, and bubbly, but often distracted by her own internal monologue. In addition, she struggles to look back on the past and analyze in any kind of coherent way, which is evident when sheโ€™s asked to explain the circumstances surrounding manifesting her mark. We struggled between the two EXFP types with her, but weโ€™re ultimately leaning ENFP.

Kyojuro Rengoku โ€“ ESFP

โ€œGo ahead and live with your head held high, No matter how devastated you may be by your own weakness or uselessness, set your heart ablaze.โ€

โ€œLife is a series of decisions, you never have unlimited options or unlimited time to think, but what you choose in that instant defines who you are.โ€

Kyojuro Rengoku, or the Flame Hashira, is subject to a lot of controversy, ultimately because the character does not get enough screen time. However, during the brief amount of time this character gets focused on, we believe that extraversion and high Fi is evident. Rengoku focuses on personal passion, following his ideals, and duty. He tells his little brother Senjuro to follow his heart and to walk down the path that he feels is right. Regoku is quick to act, enthusiastic, and easy to interact with. After exchanging only a few sentences, he, seemingly on a whim, tries to take Tanjiro on as his Tsuguko. His fire and passion help motivate Tanjiro to continue on in his journey to save Nezuko. We struggled between the two EXFP types with him, but weโ€™re ultimately leaning ESFP.

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