Myers-Briggs in Fiction: 6 Tips for Character Analysis

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Analyzing the personality types of fictional characters poses a slightly different challenge than analyzing real people. I’ve seen some people proclaim that it’s much easier to identify the personality types of fictional characters, because real people are so complex. Unfortunately, that statement is usually made by people who overly rely on stereotypes and tropes to type characters. Sure, if a fictional character is the embodiment of their personality’s stereotypes, it’ll be easy to type them. (In fact, the same can be said of real people.) However, these stereotypes can become a significant stumbling block if the character in question is not actually matching “their” personality type’s stereotypes, but instead, another personality type’s stereotypes.

So, Are You Saying That Fictional Characters Are Harder to Type?

No. They’re just a bit different. Of course, real people usually have more dimensions, unless the fictional character is written especially well. As a result, some people are significantly difficult to analyze. (Check out 7 Factors That Influence Type Development.) But on the other hand, fictional characters have an extra layer of complexity that real people don’t have: namely, they were created by someone else, who has their own distinct personality type. (Check out Personality Bleed: Typing Fictional Characters). Bottom line: characters might not be as simple to type as they initially appear to be.

Myers-Briggs in Fiction: 6 Tips for Character Analysis

I enjoy analyzing fictional characters, hence a significant portion of the content on this blog. Throughout my time doing it, I’ve noticed various factors to consider, and certain things that seem to trip people up. (Granted, nobody types everyone perfectly; that’s just not realistic. We all make mistakes.) So, I’m going to share a few tips that will hopefully be useful for you when you’re analyzing fictional characters. Bear in mind, the intent of this article is not to discuss the individual cognitive functions and how they manifest in fictional characters. If you’re specifically interested in learning more about the cognitive functions, check out What Are The Cognitive Functions?

1. Always consider context

This point is the foundation upon which all my future points will be built. In other words, it’s critical for actually typing characters accurately. Some years ago, I wrote an article called “Context, context, context” which was basically just a big rant on how badly people misread context when scrounging for evidence on whatever character they’re currently obsessed with. Of course, the whole point of that article was to emphasize how essential it is to consider context.

Context is a broad word, encompassing so many different potential factors. The Myers-Briggs theory teaches that your personality type is defined by the way you act when given a choice. In other words, your true personality type is determined by the way you think and act when outside forces aren’t pushing you to be something you wouldn’t otherwise be. Many of these outside forces are the context that you need to be paying attention to with characters. For instance, extreme life events change people extremely, making them act in ways they wouldn’t otherwise act. In addition, certain roles or jobs require people to act in certain ways, perhaps more disciplined or more bossy.

It’s important to consider realistically how an ordinary person might be affected by the scenario that a character has been placed in. Consider the context practically. Sometimes, it seems like typology enthusiasts forget what human beings are actually like when putting characters under their microscope.

2. Is the character healthy?

Tragic characters are often portrayed in an unhealthy state. That can make it especially challenging to identify their actual personality type, because so many lean on their lower functions. For instance, in the case of a high Fi user, you may actually notice their Te before their Fi. Tragedy may also cause an otherwise extraverted character, to act reclusive, like a loner. Furthermore, tragic events can make people fixate on the past, at least to some degree. In other words, being focused on a past tragedy doesn’t necessarily mean that the character is an SJ. It’s like how the death of a loved one can make an otherwise logical/unemotional person cry and act irrationally. You have to consider realistically how people actually respond to things.

Of course, any screen time a tragic character is given that displays them in a healthier state would be critical to consider. So, you’d want to pay attention to flashbacks, or the state the character is trying to revert back to as they heal. Otherwise, if none of that is available, you just need to do your best to differentiate strong use of a function versus weak use. Gripping on an inferior function looks a bit different from high use of that same function.

3. Pay attention to the big picture

Cherry-picking evidence. This is something a lot of us fall prey to at some point. Sometimes you get a hunch that a certain character is, for instance, an INTJ, and suddenly you can only see evidence to support that theory. You find small, minor examples of instances where you think that the character was acting particularly INTJ-like, but fail to realize that the character is not acting like that as a general rule. Yes, there was a moment of future insight that was particularly on point, or maybe they developed a plan to ensure the success of something very important to them. But, is that character acting in a structured way most of the time? Is that character usually planning things out and predicting consequences? Don’t lose sight of the big picture.

4. Watch out for Personality Bleed

Sometimes, a show or movie will have an overall theme or value that every character seems to echo. Or, perhaps everyone in a comedy will share the same style of humor. For instance, Parks and Recreation has a lot of Ne humor. Patterns like this are usually indicative of the story’s creators, more so than the characters themselves. These shared characteristics may be valid evidence for some characters, but they may also be red herrings, or distractions from the big picture. For instance, if a typically unemotional thinker throws out the odd “my friends are my power!” statement, like every other character in the show is doing, it can’t really be counted as feeler evidence.

Related Article: Personality Bleed: Typing Fictional Characters

5. Don’t assume a character’s type based on their role or profession

I’m sure you know many of the stereotypes. The SFJ mother. The NTJ villain. The FP hero. The NTP mad scientist. It can be extremely tempting to type someone based on the stereotype for the role they’re playing. Granted, in media, sometimes characters are written in a stereotypical fashion. Meaning, the mother is, in fact, an ESFJ, and the villain, is, in fact, as INTJ. However, you have to be open to the idea that they might not be, and actually look for evidence to support the theory. Consider whether or not they’re actually acting like that personality type and expressing reasoning that’s consistent with that personality type, or if you’re just making an assumption based on their job.

Related Articles: The Myers-Briggs Personality Types as Heroes and The Myers-Briggs Personality Types as Villains

6. Pay attention to the rules of the fictional universe

Lastly, don’t forget to consider the rules of the fictional universe. In other words, someone who is open to magic and fantastical things might be automatically labelled as an intuitive. However, in a fictional universe where magic is rampant, belief in magic (and openness to fantastic possibilities as a result) will be the norm. Similarly, someone with a supernatural ability to see the future isn’t necessarily an NJ, if they’ve been gifted with a power that has no basis in their personality or physical capabilities. In other words, a random supernatural gift isn’t indicative of someone’s personality type. Now, if the character chose an ability or skill to foster or study, that’s completely different. That could actually mean something, because people often makes choices that cater to their strengths. Once again, this comes back to context.

In conclusion…

Of course, sometimes a character is their stereotype, and that’s okay. Just be sure that that’s the case before making an incorrect assumption. I hope this article made sense! Is there anything else you’ve noticed that seems to trip people up? I’d love to hear about it in the comments!

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