Updates and Current Projects

MBTI and Myers-Briggs related content

Hey everyone! I apologize for the silence lately. Weโ€™re still not taking any new paid requests. For now, we want to focus on other projects, and the weekly article writing. In the near future, we are also planning on going through our type descriptions and updating them. We like to re-evaluate every year or two, and itโ€™s getting to be about that time.

Thatโ€™s it for now. Iโ€™ll try to update this page at the beginning of every month. See below for the updated the list of ongoing projects. Donโ€™t forget to comment if you have any questions, thoughts, or suggestions. Weโ€™d love to hear from you!

Gathering Phase

Paid Request: Demon Slayer
Weโ€™re in the last season of this series. Weโ€™ll aim to type the three main characters, if there ends up being enough. At the very least, Tanjiro will get an article.

Writing Phase

These are subject to change, but our current intentions areโ€ฆ

Theory Article: Beginnerโ€™s Guide to the Judging Functions
This is a followup to a recent article.

Theory Article: Ti vs. Ne
Iโ€™ve been wanting to write this for a while, and Iโ€™m hoping to get it started this week.

Character Article: Type Lists of Fictional Characters in Anime
For instance, 7 INFPs in Anime, 7 INTPs in Anime, etc.

Character articles written/ready:

1. House M.D.: Is Dr. Gregory House an INTJ or an ENTP?

2. The Myers-Briggs Personality Types of the Parks and Recreation Characters

3. Jujutsu Kaisen: Aoi Todo (type adjustment)

Theory articles written/ready:

1. INFJ vs ENFJ: The Differences

2. What Is An Extravert REALLY?


If you like what you see, please consider buying us a coffee! We welcome any feedback you may have on where to primarily focus our efforts, especially in regard to the list above. Lately, weโ€™ve only been posting one article a week, but we hope to return to posting twice a week soon.

Hi there, reader! If you enjoyed that article, leave us a quick comment to encourage us to keep writing. In addition, if you've found our content helpful in some way, please consider Buying Us A Coffee to support our efforts and help keep this website running. Thank you!