Kaguya-sama: Love Is War: Chika Fujiwara (ESFP)

MBTI and Myers-Briggs related content

Chika Fujiwara from Kaguya-sama: Love is War is frequently typed as an ENFP. However, after analyzing her character, Chika Fujiwara seems to fit ESFP. Continue on down the page to read why!


“French people cosplay almost as much as we do here. Also, it doesn’t need words. What better way to overcome the language barrier and deepen our friendship than with a shared passion?!”

“Opening hearts through our skills is the spirit of expression.”

Fujiwara is erratic, impulsive and energetic, which are common traits for a young, extraverted perceiving dominant (Ne or Se). She tends to have a fairly lax attitude toward life, preferring to do whatever strikes her fancy, regardless of the consequences. At one point, she even encourages Miko Ino to break the rules. Kaguya and Shirogane often refer to her as an uncontrollable wild card, due to constantly disrupting their individual schemes in unpredictable ways.

Fujiwara focuses on physical skills, as a way to both express herself and connect with others. This is typical of high Se, and is one of the strongest indications that she is an ESFP rather than an ENFP. She describes cosplay as a means to deep their friendship, without words, through a shared passion. In addition, while teaching Shirogane to dance, she explains that the spirit of expression is “opening hearts through our skills.”

Fujiwara is extremely confident in her physical ability. She tends to pick up skills quickly, and in one instance, specifically learns how to rap in order to teach Shirogane. In addition, she feels baffled by someone whose mind and body is out of sync. During one of her teaching sessions with Shirogane, Fujiwara thought it was bizarre that his mind and his movements couldn’t sync up. Fujiwara often engages those around her in some kind of physical activity, and tends to get extremely competitive.

Fujiwara is also prone to taking things literally. At one point, Shirogane makes a crack about Miko Ino’s “silver tongue.” Fujiwara instantly calls him on his mistake, informing him bluntly that her tongue is pink.


“You’re nothing but a phony! A sham, I tell you! I don’t think a former president should be allowed to lip sync the whole school anthem, do you? You’ve got some serious repenting to do! I’m absolutely furious!”

“Remember, dance is more than imitating the moves. You gotta express yourself.”

Fujiwara displays strong Fi, in her belief that one should always be authentic and true to themselves. She’s extremely honest with those around her, sometimes to the point of sounding selfish. For instance, at one point, Fujiwara complains about having to spend time with the other council members on a day that was supposed to be spent celebrating her.

Fujiwara encourages others to be authentic and express themselves. The idea that Shirogane has been lip-syncing the school anthem appalls her, so she then proceeds to berate him for being a phony and a sham. In addition, when teaching Shirogane how to dance, she encourages him to express himself, saying that it has to come from the heart.

Fujiwara often yields to emotional appeals from others, especially when they sync up with her ideals. In spite of her traumatic experiences trying to teach Shirogane, she continually agrees to help him again and again. For instance, when wanting to learn how to rap, he explains that he wants to share his true feelings with someone, and wants to do it through rap. She gets swept up in the romanticism of it, and agrees to help him again, against her better judgement.


“You sure don’t sugar coat, do you?” – Shirogane to her

“Results should be crystal clear, and the weak shouldn’t go about their lives unaware of their own weaknesses. Our society is due for a wake-up call.”

Fujiwara’s tertiary Te surfaces in a couple of different ways, the most obvious being her blunt nature. In spite of her light-hearted and enthusiastic personality, she can be unexpectedly harsh with those around her. She often doesn’t sugar coat her opinions or thoughts, and tells people exactly what she thinks. She can also be very assertive and controlling when the mood strikes.

In addition, Fujiwara values results, which is demonstrated clearly during the episode with the arm wrestling match. Fujiwara approaches the competition in an extremely intense, and structured manner. She organizes it into matches, and emphasizes the need for clear results. Furthermore, she goes on a rant about the weak needing to be aware of their weakness, and proclaims that “This contest will decide the best and worst among us.” The emphasis on physical strength here in combination with the competition results determining someone’s value is a good example of Se-Te.


“The god of thunder will steal my belly button!”

Fujiwara’s inferior Ni surfaces primarily in her lack of the concern for the consequences. She readily breaks rules, cheats in games, and approaches life in a fairly lax manner. She tends to disregard the past consequences for her actions. Even though she regrets helping Shirogane nearly every time, and acts like it’s an extremely traumatic experience, she stills yields to Shirogane time and time again, in the moment, and agrees to help him once more.

Fujiwara periodically demonstrates a somewhat paranoid nature, like when she’s worried the god of thunder will steal her belly button. In addition, during a game that required social manipulation, she says, among other things, “I’m told I can’t read a situation to save my life. Though some also say it’s a good thing, it still cuts me like a knife.” It’s later made clear that her entire ramble was an attempt to manipulate them, and probably a partial bluff. However, as Shirogane noted, most lies are grounded in some truth, and if that statement was truth, it points to inferior Ni, due to a weakness in reading between the lines and interpreting what’s going on.

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