Updates and Current Projects

MBTI and Myers-Briggs related content

We recently took a look at our time investments, and realized that there are a few things we need to change. We need to focus on putting out more theory articles, and completing our projects. Of course, character analyses are fun to write, and we definitely don’t intend to stop, but the issue lies specifically with the paid requests. Paid requests frequently make us spend a lot of time watching obscure material that we wouldn’t otherwise be interested in watching, and/or force us to write weak analyses of under-developed characters. We’d like to be analyzing characters who are good, realistic examples of their personality type. So with all that being said, the Paid Request service is NOT going to be removed from the site. However, we’re probably going to get a pickier with what we’re willing to accept. I’ll be updating the Paid Request page soon with more information. If you have a request sitting in our queue, don’t worry. We will follow through. This change applies to any future requests that we receive.

That’s it for now. See below for the updated the list of ongoing projects. Don’t forget to comment if you have any questions, thoughts, or suggestions. We’d love to hear from you!

I update this page on the 1st and 15th every month, so make sure and check back if you want to keep up with what’s going on around here.

Gathering Phase

Paid Request: TBA
Will update this shortly.

TV Show: House M.D.
We’ve been watching this show recently, and may write analyses of some of the characters.

Writing Phase

Paid Request: Planet of the Apes reboot trilogy
Currently writing the article for Caesar.

Theory Article: MBTI and Enneagram Speculations series
This was originally going to be one article, but it got way too long, so I split it up by the triads. Head and Heart are left.

Theory Article: INFP vs ISFP

Character articles written/ready:

1. MCU: Mysterio

2. MCU: Star Lord

3. Daredevil: Wilson Fisk (paid request)

4. Daredevil: Foggy Nelson (paid request)

5. Daredevil: Karen Page (paid request)

Theory articles written/ready:

1. The Myers-Briggs Personality Types as Villains


Nothing else currently started for the Type Development series, ‘Types that Mistype as XXXX’ series, and the Extraverted vs Introverted type comparisons.

If you like what you see, please consider buying us a coffee! We welcome any feedback you may have on where to primarily focus our efforts, especially in regard to the list above. Lately, we’ve only been posting one article a week, but we hope to return to posting twice a week soon.

Hi there, reader! If you enjoyed that article, leave us a quick comment to encourage us to keep writing. In addition, if you've found our content helpful in some way, please consider Buying Us A Coffee to support our efforts and help keep this website running. Thank you!