Myers-Briggs Types in Dragon Ball: Jiren (ESTJ)

MBTI and Myers-Briggs related content

Jiren from Dragon Ball appears to be an example of the ESTJ Myers-Briggs personality type (colloquially known as MBTI). However, Jiren shows up very little in the series, so there isnโ€™t a whole lot of evidence to go off of. With that being said, there appears to be a decent case for ESTJ, which we will present below.

The Myers-Briggs Personality Type of Jiren

Dominant Te:

โ€œI want the power to bend all to my will. Even bend time itself.โ€

โ€œI ignored you during this whole tournament. My ambitions were my only goal.โ€

โ€œItโ€™s stunning you could find so much power without sacrificing your ideals.โ€

Jirenโ€™s sole focus is on his ambitions, his goal. He admits this to his team at the end of the tournament. Heโ€™s willing to do anything to achieve them, which in his case, means to gain power. He wants the power to control everything, even time itself. This is also supported in his lack of trust in the dragon, desiring to have the power to do it all himself. He appears shocked that Vegeta is able to be as powerful as he is without sacrificing his ideals, which he express to him at one point during the tournament. This is all indicative of a more extreme and unhealthy Te dominant.

Jiren is overconfident and prone to asserting his dominance. Once he finally starts speaking, he spends much of the match talking down to his opponents. He points out their weakness, belittles them for weakness, and at one point, tells Vegeta that he should just exit the ring. His openly commanding nature, in this way, also shows dominant Te.

Auxiliary Si:

โ€œTo **** with your friendship. To **** with your trust. Putting faith in such things would mean denying all that Iโ€™ve witnessed in my life up until now. I know better than to believe in that kind of so-called โ€˜strength.โ€™ I know how easily itโ€™s ripped away!โ€

โ€œIf I donโ€™t, then all my effort, all Iโ€™ve struggled to achieve, all of it will have been pointless! Iโ€™ll lose everything, just like I did before. And I absolutely refuse to go through that again!โ€

Jiren appears to have a concrete connection to the past. While any type can be subject to past trauma, he appears consciously focused on that trauma and using it to guide his actions and decisions. Heโ€™s unable to accept things like trust and friendship, because to place any kind of faith in them would be to deny what he has learned through past experience. This mentality points to high Si, as he is consciously relying on past experience.

Jiren lives his life terrified to experience the same things again, and does everything in his power to avoid it. His focus on the past completely takes over his life, disallowing him from putting energy into anything else. However, it does not freeze and imobilize him, it feeds his dominant Te ambition. After the tournament, he admits to Top that โ€œIโ€™ve spent most of my life as a captive to my past. I doubt I can build connections with anyone.โ€

Tertiary Ne:

โ€œAway with you, petulant vermin. Away!โ€

Jirenโ€™s Ne is hard to pin down given how little he shows up in the series. We recognize the evidence in this section is relatively weak. One of the primary ways Ne manifests is through speech and unfortunately, Jiren doesnโ€™t get a lot of time speaking. We see small signs, like the times when he uses analogies. For instance, at one point, he compares Gokuโ€™s friends to a partially vaporized rock in the arena, signifying their fragility. He explains the entire analogy rather than just making the comparison and moving on, which suggests he is more on the Si/Ne axis.

He also occasionally uses creative insults, like calling his opponent a โ€œpetulant vermin.โ€ We noted him several times using extra descriptive wording to further drive home his statements. Towards the end of the tournament, Jiren gets more inquisitive as to how Goku is able to be as powerful as he is, and etctera. This could also potentially be indicative of his Ne use.

Inferior Fi:

โ€œMight makes rightโ€ฆ and might alone. Without strength, we have nothing!โ€

โ€œYour ideals mean nothing in the face of my power.โ€

โ€œBut Iโ€™ve spent most of my life as a captive to my past. I doubt I can build connections with anyone.โ€

Jiren has pretty evident inferior Fi. One of his defining characteristics is his obsession with power and distaste for weakness. He struggles with Gokuโ€™s reliance on others and the bonds that he shares with them. He views this as a weakness and insists that those bonds would be his undoing. He even goes as far as to shoot a giant energy blast at the stands to prove the point that they could be easily killed and ripped away from Goku.

While Jiren remains relatively silent throughout most of the tournament, the moment Goku starts putting up a challenge that calm quiet demeanor quickly gives way, revealing his volatile and fragile emotional state. Frieza, when facing up against Jiren, openly mocks him for it, which does provoke Jiren, showing that Frieza had struck and nerve. This ends up proving the truth behind Friezaโ€™s words. Jirenโ€™s retaliation to being called fragile, of course, is a renewed anger which he uses to rush Frieza and start beating on him, while proclaiming, โ€œWell, letโ€™s see how fragile you think I am now!โ€ In comparison, Frieza, with tertiary Fi, merely scoffs or rolls his eyes when someone says something about him that he doesnโ€™t feel is accurate.

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