10 ISTJ Stereotypes

So, let’s talk about ISTJ stereotypes. Usually when we write an article like this, we are busting exaggerated, overly positive, and self aggrandizing traits of a type. However, there are so little positive stereotypes for ISTJ that I will basically be spending this entire article wading through all of the hate that the community has for this type… Out of all of the 16 types, ISTJs have the some of the worst stereotypes attached to them. Basic, boring, vanilla human being, mindless drone. It’s amazing how much of a difference one little letter can make. While INTJ’s get stereotyped as the genius mastermind, the ISTJ gets relinquished to the mindless drone. So, being an ISTJ myself, allow me to weed through some of the stupid stereotypes and debunk them.
1. ISTJs are mindless worker drones
This is the stereotype that basically assumes that 90% of the workforce is comprised of ISTJs doing menial work and enjoying it. This stereotype is so incredibly ignorant that I hardly know where to begin with it. Just like with every other type, you will find ISTJs in many different fields and jobs. They will, just like every other type, have varying levels of intelligence. Will some find themselves doing mindless work? Yes, but guess what? You will also find people of all the different types filling these mindless positions.
People do what they need to in order to make money and survive. If the mindless job is the only thing available, that’s what the population in that area will do for a living. It has nothing to do with type. Will ISTJs possibly be better at coping with a job like this? Maybe. ISTJs are incredibly good at doing what they have to in order to stay afloat; so they may be better at putting up with boring work than some other types. Better to be making money than to be a deadbeat.
2. ISTJs all excel at jobs such as accounting
I have seen many ISTJs complain about this stereotype, declaring that they hate accounting and its associated fields. However, I have seen others that do enjoy it. It all boils down to the fact that everyone is different. Some ISTJs will like and do well in this career field while others may not. You can’t really peg down what kind of job is going to work for you solely off of your personality type.
People assume that Si’s penchant for details and Te’s for organization would perfectly mesh with the field of accounting. However, those two qualities would mesh perfectly with a vast array of jobs and positions from running a business, to troubleshooting an issue, to creating detailed pieces of art. The applications for a skill set are highly flexible depending on what discipline the user is interested in and wants to apply them to.
3. ISTJs are always neat and orderly
Not true. ISTJs will desire for things to be neat and orderly, but that doesn’t mean that ISTJs are always neat and orderly. It’s likely that, after some time, disorder will bother them, and they will seek to fix it; but make no mistake, I have had times where I have been just as messy as anyone else.
There are many factors that play into how neat and orderly someone will be. These factors range from how someone one was raised and what their perception of neat and orderly is to what their priorities are in life. If other priorities are taking precedence over keeping things neat and orderly, or if time doesn’t permit being neat and orderly, it will fall by the way side. In much the same strain, if ordering a certain set of items is deemed unnecessary or more work than it’s worth, then it will remain a mess.
4. ISTJs are boring
This is a perception of those who have no desire to get to know an ISTJ. They see a serious attitude and a focus on what needs to get done without distraction, and translate that into a boring person. Anyone who has spent time to get to know an ISTJ would know that stereotype is not true. We are serious people by nature, but we do have an inferior Ne that we call on from time to time when in comfortable situations. This can easily make us loud, prone to making jokes and puns, and overall acting goofy. Just because an ISTJ doesn’t choose to act this way with every random person that they encounter does not mean that they are boring. They may just wish to keep things about themselves private, or they may just not like you.
5. ISTJs are never lazy
While many pride themselves on this fact, ISTJs can be just as lazy as other types. When motivated and in the correct environment, an ISTJ’s work ethic goes without question; however, there are other situations where this isn’t always true. I have discussed this subject with other ISTJs and have confirmed that I am not the only one that struggles with being lazy. This is more delving into the realm of character flaws. Every type can have varying degrees of laziness, and all types can work to improve this. On the other hand, all types can end up being really lazy. It all depends on the individual not the MBTI type.
6. ISTJs like and readily take on responsibility
In my personal experience, I have not found this to be true. While ISTJs will shoulder responsibility and take it very serious, they are hardly jumping for the opportunity to seize more responsibility. The seriousness with which they take their responsibilities will drive them to avoid taking on more. Why try to take on more than you can handle and set yourself up for failure? Doesn’t make any sense. As I see it, ISTJs are the reluctant bearers of responsibility who take it very seriously once it has been thrust upon them.
7. ISTJs are workaholics
While this may be true for some, it definitely is not for me. My first priority is my family, and I have no interest in running myself ragged for the place I work at. I value my free time too highly to give it all away to my employer. I don’t like overtime, or staying late, or anything that would require me to do work from home after hours. This is probably something that varies from person to person though.
8. ISTJs blindly follow rules and authority
ISTJs are no more likely to blindly follow rules and authority than any other type. They do not tend to be the openly rebellious types, but many will ignore rules or authority that are ineffective or a waste of time. Just because they aren’t outwardly kicking and screaming like some other types does not mean that they are blindly following the rules and authority. They may just do a good job of doing things a better way under the radar. ISTJs are typically not fans of wasting time. Arguing with the idiot in charge is frequently a waste of time. Doing it a better way by breaking the rules without the person in charge knowing is far more effective.
9. ISTJs are all traditional
This is a common confusion within the type community. There is a massive difference between repeating things that work and being traditional. Typically keeping to traditions is for some emotional or sentimental reason. While ISTJs may have some traditions because of some kind of emotional attachment to them, it is hardly a rule or a defining characteristic of the type. I am not inherently traditional myself. I do not repeat hardly any of the traditions from my childhood. I do what I enjoy and am not stuck doing things only one way. I repeat the things I enjoy. I get rid of the things that I don’t. I don’t feel bound to repeating a tradition because it is something that has always been done. I mostly keep around and repeat things that I find to be effective, otherwise tradition is not really a big part of my life.
10. ISTJs aren’t future oriented
Of all the stereotypes, this is probably the most laughably inaccurate of the bunch. As a matter of fact, it is literally the exact opposite of what is true. ISTJs are always planning for the future. Everything they do revolves around ensuring that things are going to work out properly. This, by necessity, requires them to be future oriented. It is readily accepted that ISTJs desire comfortable lives, free of surprises. I find it amusing that people don’t realize that achieving this requires constant thought and planning for the future in order to maintain the comfortable situation throughout an ever changing world. Not only that, keeping life free of surprises requires one to think of all the different future things that could be a surprise and come up with a plan for them so that they are no longer a surprise. Only extremely unhealthy ISTJs will be stuck entirely in the past.
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As a fellow ISTJ, thank you for this article. I hope it is widely read as there is more to us than meets the eye, you just need to take the time to get to know us.
Yeah, definitely. Hopefully this will help people get away from stereotype thinking. Thanks for the comment!
Excellent article. Thank you. My daughter is an ISTJ, and no one could call her a mindless drone or say she’s stuck in the past. She’s a hard worker and great problem solver; she takes on a lot of responsibility at work because she has a plan for her future which she is carrying out brilliantly. She also has a quick wit and great sense of humor.
Thank you! There are definitely way more ISTJ’s out there like your daughter than I think people realize.