Myers-Briggs Types in Naruto: Chōji Akimichi (ISFP)
Naruto Shippuden is a classic anime series with a wealth of identifiable Myers-Briggs personality types (often referred to as MBTI). This is the very last Naruto typing that was stored away in our drafts… from back during the time when we weren’t getting a bunch of requests. So, disclaimer, Choji like some of the other Genin isn’t all that well-developed, although admittedly, he’s better than some. Below is our predominant theory on him.
The Myers-Briggs Personality Type of Choji
Dominant Fi:
“Choji, you’re a thoughtful loyal friend, and a kind soul. In time, you’ll be a stronger shinobi than anyone else, so be more confident in yourself.” – Asuma
“Naruto isn’t stupid. I mean, even you said that in Shogi all the pieces are necessary and you said that about me… You’re wrong. Naruto is… Naruto’s like you, Shikamaru. Don’t call him stupid. Take it back!”
“Experience is cool and all, but real cooking know-how comes straight from the heart.”
Choji’s most pronounced and notable character trait is his kindness. He’s known for being sensitive, and loyal to others, at times even to a fault. We considered him being an Fe aux, but there are several things that made us realize that he leans more Fi. For instance, he seems to draw strength ultimately from himself, rather than others. During his training as a Genin, Choji is afraid to train with his teammates because he might hurt them. Asuma and the rest of the team try to convince him that he needs to fight hard to help and protect them in the long run; but it’s ultimately not until they start calling him names that he finds the will to fight. In other words, it took a personal insult, rather than the idea of protecting his teammates.
Choji is a romantic, who worries about not getting married later in life. He’s shown to have complete faith in his teammates, like never doubting Shikamaru when he pretended to betray them. He struggles desperately when having to face his revived sensei in battle, initially refusing to fight Asuma at all. He also tends to have underlying motives when treating others. The gift he gives Naruto and Hinata for their wedding ends up being a fancy dinner reservation for three, so he of course could go along to, which supports an Fi mentality rather than an Fe mentality. (Him being oblivious to the idea that they would want to go there alone.)
Auxiliary Se:
“I was born ready!”
Choji has a tendency to get lost in the moment and be over-indulgent. One of his main motivators is food. Asuma Sensei learns this early on and uses it as a tool to help train Choji. We see his focus frequently on food, sometimes to his detriment. For instance, he breaks the rules in the second Chunin exam and sneaks out to try to find. He participates in an eating contest for the sake of a mission, and completely loses track of why he was there in the first place, which is a potential Se pitfall. Of course, his dreams during the Infinite Tsukuyomi is all about food and being seen as sexy. Choji tends to get physically violent whenever he’s called fat in any way. He alsp has a tendency to run late, which is a standard Perceiver struggle.
Choji isn’t shown doing much speculating or worrying. There are multiple occasions through the show when various other characters are shown speculating, and Choji just sits there eating, or doing whatever he’s doing, until he’s given a clear reason to launch into action. (An example being when other team members are wondering what happened during the fight between Naruto and Sasuke – the incident when Sakura goes off to kill Sasuke by herself.)
Tertiary Ni:
Choji’s low Ni is why he struggles to see beyond the moment, and recognize the bigger picture. It could be suggested that his inability to recognize why training hard against his teammates is important, even though he might hurt them, is a low Ni manifestation. He’s also not shown reading between the lines often. He’s not naturally very suspicious, and usually just shrugs it off anytime people are inventing cover stories to explain how they weren’t actually about to call him fat. However, he is shown getting the occasional hunch, and declaring it as such.
Inferior Te:
Choji’s inferior Te comes out in the way he gets suddenly rigid when triggered. Obvious examples can be seen when his self-image is attacked, due to being called fat. He’s also shown chiding young Shikamaru for calling Naruto stupid. He gets suddenly angry and Shikamaru, lectures him, and demands that he apologize, which catches Shikamaru completely off guard. He also refuses to hurt people early on, which is essentially him standing by his values, even when they are counterproductive or a potential detriment to others. Choji is also shown generally struggling to be disciplined, which is another potential manifestation of low Te.
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