Myers-Briggs Types in Dragon Ball: Master Roshi (ESTP)

MBTI and Myers-Briggs related content

Master Roshi from Dragon Ball is a fairly straightforward example of the ESTP Myers-Briggs personality type (colloquially known as MBTI). Of course, we considered other personality types for Roshi to cover our tracks, but ESTP makes the most sense. Continue reading to find out why!

The Myers-Briggs Personality Type of Master Roshi

Dominant Se:

โ€œIn other words, train as hard as you can, and letโ€™s have a fun life.โ€

โ€œBut before we do, I will say just a few words about the martial arts.โ€

Roshi is an obvious perceiver. Heโ€™s laid back, relaxed, and goes with the flow. People are shown constantly hanging out at his house, and he doesnโ€™t appear to care. His P nature also comes out strongly in moments like during the original Dragon Ball series when he offers to buy Bulma, Yamucha, Goku, Krillin and others as much food as they can eat the day prior to the tournament, but then realizes that he doesnโ€™t actually have much money. (Yet still does it anyway and has to strike a bargain with the restaurant owner.)

Roshi appears to not only be an Se user, but driven by his Se as well, suggesting an Se dominant. The obvious thing to point to would be his perverted nature, but we try not to be stereotypical in that sense because other types can be this way as well. The actual indicator is the fact that he is driven by these impulses, and they are constantly getting him into trouble. He takes every opportunity he can get to strike some kind of deal to get what he wants. Heโ€™s shameless, not only in this sense, but in other ways as well, like when he informed the stewardess on the plane that he badly needed to take a dump.

Roshi is not into teaching via lectures and doesnโ€™t delve deeply into the more mystical or philosophical aspects of the martial arts, which is seen when heโ€™s training Krillin and Goku. He has a much more practical, and down to earth focus. He gives a few reasons why one shouldnโ€™t take martial arts, and then what martial arts is good for. He also specifically mentions that itโ€™s good for living a more enjoyable life, which points back to Se. Another thing to note is that his method of training is very practical, focusing on useful activities like delivering milk, farming, and construction. His training is also very risky, to the point where he appeared to have no concern for Goku and Krillinโ€™s life. (Examples: swimming with sharks, crossing a river right above a waterfallโ€ฆ)

Auxiliary Ti:

โ€œTraining is nothing but learning with oneโ€™s own body.โ€

โ€œTo that end, you are to utilize the basics you have acquired up to now to think up your own fighting styles and learn them yourselves.โ€

Roshi is generally impersonal, from an emotional standpoint, and doesnโ€™t appear to show much emotional depth. He appears to keep his feelings to himself, beyond his lighthearted and humorous nature. He can also be apathetic. A good example of Roshiโ€™s Ti is shown when he catches Krillin cheating when he is supposed to be running in zig zags. Rather than tell Krillin to stop, he simply states that it doesnโ€™t matter to him if either of them drop out. Of course, this not only demonstrates the apathetic nature of Ti, but also his lack of a commanding Te nature.

Roshi appears to lack any kind of Te desire for structure or absolutes. He speaks more hesitantly, for instance prefacing his thoughts with โ€œIโ€™m thinkingโ€ฆโ€ versus stating a command or a fact. He fails to give Krillin or Goku any kind of specific martial arts training, stating that itโ€™s up to them to figure that out for themselves. He basically says that there is no one way to learn, and that itโ€™s just a matter of learning with your own body. This demonstrates a lack of Te structure, because he basically eschews any kind fundamentals, established fighting style, or rigid techniques. He also states that the purpose of the tournament is to have fun, not to win, which opposes the goal-oriented nature of Te.

Tertiary Fe:

โ€œWhatโ€™s this, whatโ€™s this.. such a stern gaze, like out of a serious drama? He is determined! I sense fierce resolve within him! This despite the fact that the Tenkaichi Tournament is something you have a festive time at with your friends.โ€

Roshi has good enough use of his Fe to not struggle with other people, and to generally be unaffected by them. In other words, heโ€™s not easily embarrassed, and can even be somewhat troublesome or openly crude, refusing to take hints or back off. This very brash and bold nature of his supports Fe being in the tertiary position rather than any of the other possible positions. Roshi also displays the more characteristic troublesome/mischievous side of tertiary Fe. A good example can be seen when he fights Manwolf. In fact, in this example,ย  he actually shows the more positive and sympathetic nature of Fe simultaneously. In Roshiโ€™s fight again Manwolf, he learns about the affect destroying the moon had on Manwolf. He feels bad and offers to transform him into a human permanently. However, he also takes the opportunity to mock Manwolf for is overly dramatic nature, resulting in this back and forth switch between sympathy and mocking.

Roshi shows other instances of positive Fe use as well. He is overall a friendly and kind individual. He hones in on the overly serious nature of a specific contestant at the Tenkaichi Tournament. He eventually learns that the guy desperately needs the money to save his village, so Roshi ensures that the man gets the prize money in spite of losing the tournament. Another good example is the fact that Roshi also enters the tournament secretly for Gokuโ€™s benefit, so that Goku wouldnโ€™t win too easily and get bored of martial arts. Lastly, the tasks that Roshi has Krillin and Goku complete during their training can be seen as Fe in nature since they are doing tasks to help out people around the village.

Inferior Ni:

Roshiโ€™s inferior Ni is demonstrated by his failure to control his impulses, in spite of the obvious incoming consequences. He is completely driven by his impulses, and causes a lot of drama in his attempts to fulfill them. Of course, the key indicator of this being inferior Ni is his complete lack of concern for the consequences time and time again. A very clear example can be seen during the Dragon Ball Kai Buu saga when he falls into Android 18 during some turbulence on the ship. He initially realizes what has happened and that Android 18 hasnโ€™t killed him yet, so he takes advantage of it (in his usual perverted way) and doesnโ€™t pull away immediately. As a matter of fact when he realizes his position he throws all caution to the wind and just blatantly goes for it. (Of course, when she does finally react, he tries to blame the ship.)

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