Myers-Briggs Types in Bleach: Uryū Ishida (ISTJ)

Uryū Ishida from Bleach is a straightforward example of the ISTJ Myers-Briggs personality type (often referred to as MBTI). Of course, we considered other personality types for Uryū Ishida, but ultimately went with ISTJ. Continue reading to find out why!
The Myers-Briggs Personality Type of Uryū Ishida
Dominant Si:
“That’s insane! If he does that, he’ll be going against nature, and breaking all the rules he should be fighting to protect!”
“As usual, Yoruichi left out a lot of the details.”
“You can’t make rash decisions like that.”
Uryu is a cautious fighter. He constantly berates others for rushing into a fight, and gets increasingly frustrated when they do. (There’s an abundance of examples in his dealings with Ichigo, and even Orihime rushed off on him once.) Uryu is always emphasizing that they need a strategy or a plan. He pays attention to his surroundings, like noticing the lack of windows in the corridors in Hueco Mundo. He also vocalizes a lot of observations about Kukaku’s house. At times, he uses his observations to provide more cautionary information to the group. As a rule, Uryu always appears prepared. He packs around miscellaneous items with him that he believes may be useful, such as bandages.
Uryu tends to launch off into detailed explanations relatively frequently. He gets frustrated when others do not provide enough information. He appears to have a memory for details, a potential example being when he remembered an Arrancar’s name after hearing it only once (something which shocked them all.)
Auxiliary Te:
“It’s alright. Don’t mention it. In fact, don’t talk to me anymore at all.”
“Just make some of it now or I’ll make you make some!”
Uryu can be very demanding and harsh. While he can be willing to help others, he’s also more than willing to dismiss them curtly afterwards. For the most part, his personality comes off more abrasive than it does amiable. Uryu naturally tries to take charge, and gets frustrated when others won’t listen to him. Uryu is shown getting very angry when Ichigo is assumed to be the group leader during their invasion of the Soul Society. Uryu has no problem physically laying his hands on Ichigo and attempting to drag him out of the room, if that’s the only option he’s left with.
Uryu is very self-disciplined. He doesn’t struggle to make himself practice in order to get stronger. He is very dedicated in that way. He is also very self-confident, and sometimes prone to over-confidence (his initial challenge to Ichigo being a prime example).
Tertiary Fi:
Uryu places great pride in his identity as a Quincy. He proclaims this heritage over and over again throughout the show. He also appears to be chivalrous and has a strong sense of justice. He steps in to defend Rukia when Renji and Byakuya are attempting to arrest her, and he berates a soul reaper for attacking Orihime, saying that no one with any pride would attack a girl when she wasn’t looking. Uryu is loyal to his friends and to his word. When desiring to go rescue Rukia, he finds a loophole such that he isn’t breaking his agreement to never work with Soul Reapers yet can still aid Ichigo in rescuing her.
Uryu does have a compassionate side that he occasionally displays, but only to those close to him.
Inferior Ne:
“How can I not worry?”
Uryu’s inferior Ne shows up primarily in his tendency to worry and be over-prepared. He always seems to have some random item onhand when it’s needed, because he had clearly considered that this situation might happen. For instance, he packs bandages and a spare cape to the Soul Society. When he noticed that there were no windows in the corridors in Hueco Mundo, he immediately considered that they may be underground, and urged Ichigo to not use any powerful attacks and to stop fighting in those small spaces. Of course, in general, his need to plan and always be prepared is indicative of an inferior extraverted perceiving function.
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