Myers-Briggs Types in White Album 2: Setsuna Ogiso (ESFJ)

MBTI and Myers-Briggs related content

Setsuna Ogiso from White Album 2 is a good example of the imbalanced ESFJ Myers-Briggs personality type (colloquially referred to as MBTI). Continue reading to find out why!

The Myers-Briggs Personality Type of Setsuna Ogiso

Dominant Fe:

โ€œLike how you get so obsessed with the fake image of yourself you created.โ€ โ€“ Haruki to Setsuna

โ€œAnd since weโ€™re friends, we all need to share in our rage against society, right?โ€

Setsuna from White Album 2 is group-oriented and bases her identity on the perception of others. Early on in the show, we learn that Setsuna is hiding her personal identity from the public eye. She literally wears a disguise at her part-time job. She is frequently shown worrying about her public identity, and feels compelled to maintain the image that she has created, even though it was something she initially didnโ€™t want to do. This leads into another point of Fe evidence: Setsuna is entered into the Miss Houjou competition multiple times by friends, and then as a result, feels compelled to do it. She never puts her foot down and refuses. Another point against Fi is that rather than choosing a pursuit of her own, Setsuna declares that she wants to major in the same thing as Haruki simply so that they can spend more time together.

In spite of seeming like a relatively low key personality, Setsuna is actually very bold and forward. First off, itโ€™s worth mentioning that she appears very comfortable on stage, and talks to the crowd as if they were all her close friends. She also has a reputation of being friendly and loved by everyone. However, moving past that, Setsuna confronts Kazusa right off the bat concerning Kazusaโ€™s feelings for Haruki during a coffee meet. Setsuna also forces Kazusa into the hot spring in spite of her adamant protests. In addition, while being relatively secretive and sneaky in certain things, Setsuna boldly pursues Haruki in an attempt to beat Kazusa to the punch.

Lastly, her group orientation is shown very clearly in her desperate attempts to keep the group together. She states over and over again that she wants the three of them to be together forever, and all of her actions tend to root back to that basic motivation. When the group finally appears to be crumbling in spite all of these efforts, Setsunaโ€™s last ditch effort is to play the martyr card and claim all responsibility for keeping Haruki and Kazusa apart, hoping that by doing this the three of them can somehow remain together.

Auxiliary Si:

โ€œโ€˜Over thereโ€™ doesnโ€™t tell me anything โ€œ

โ€œIt made me really happy that you called me. That you relied on me.โ€

Setsuna tends to be rooted in the past rather than focusing on the future. While Si users can definitely be future oriented, Setsuna entire motivation seems to be preserving what is. She doesnโ€™t want to let the group go, or consider the idea that they might eventually part ways. She works desperately hard to keep them together, and ultimately ends up working against herself. Setsuna also mentions wanting to relive the day of the concert over and over again, which is a very clear Si statement. She also seems to appreciate traditions, readily proclaiming that she wants to make the hot springs a new tradition. (Note: While we at Practical Typing tend to attribute sentimental tradition to feelers in general, we recognize that many people attribute it to Si so weโ€™re including it in this section.)

Setsuna is also responsible, and dutiful. She fulfills and obligations that she feels like she has. She works hard and appreciates being relied on, specifically telling Haruki this. She makes a crack to Kazusa about using too much sugar in her coffee, which could potentially be Si. Si users tends to be good at being disciplined and conservative in a health or diet sense due to being attuned to their internal bodily sensations. Setsuna is frequently shown being worried about Harukiโ€™s physical well being, and calling out when he appears tired or unwell. Sheโ€™s also physical and detail oriented, being shown doing things like fixing Harukiโ€™s hair when it seems to need it. (This is another example where she appears more extraverted than introverted). In addition, while in the kitchen with her mother, Setsuna is shown briefly getting frustrated when given nonspecific instructions as to where something was kept. (See quote above this section.)

Tertiary Ne:

Setsunaโ€™s Ne comes out in her worrying, hypothetical scenarios, and what-ifs. When hearing that Haruki is not feeling well, she immediately jumps from him having a cold, to having the flu, and then needing to lie down without waiting for any further information as to why he was feeling bad. Itโ€™s worth noting that this would be uncharacteristic for an inferior Ne user. Sheโ€™s also shown running a bunch of what-ifs statements on the train while heading to the airport with Haruki. For instance, she mentions what if she hadnโ€™t been seeing on the roof, what if she hadnโ€™t wanted to be in the fair, and etc. We definitely considered inferior Ne for Setsuna, but in addition to whatโ€™s been previously mentioned, Setsuna also seems unconcerned about situations like all three of them being the hot spring together, in spite of her awareness of Haruki and Kazusaโ€™s feelings for each other. Inferior Ne tends to be a bit more paranoid, provoking caution.

Inferior Ti:

Setsunaโ€™s struggles to check in with herself, and frequently puts her emotions ahead of logic. Once again, inserting herself between Haruki and Kazusa to keep the three of them together is clearly flawed logic. She also struggles to refuse the requests of others and frequently yields to them, which is characteristic of low Ti. Setsuna also uses her Ti to be critical. When she finds the Harukiโ€™s toothpaste at Kazusaโ€™s house, she begins internally pointing out all of Harukiโ€™s flaws, like him not caring about anyone, in an attempt to convince herself that it didnโ€™t matter.

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