The Identity Functions: Fi and Ti

A YouTuber gave me a lightbulb moment the other day. It was just a brief side note in the video, so I can’t remember the exact video, but it was by Frank James who talks primarily about INFJs. His knowledge of function theory seems pretty on point. I’d post a link to the specific video where I pulled the thought I’m about to talk about from, but I can’t remember which one it was. You’re welcome to post the link in the comments if you know which one I’m talking about. (Although, there’s a good chance that when Ryan checks over this draft once I’m done, he’ll just magically remember which one I’m talking about, so I’ll end up removing these last few sentences entirely, lol.)
(Andddd Ryan not only found the video, but also the exact timestamp: 6:48-10:10. Here’s the video: Unhealthy INFJ: 7 Signs You’re an Unhealthy INFJ. I’m still keeping the sentences. >.>)
Anyways, I was watching that video with Ryan the other day, and Frank James threw out a statement, that instantly clicked something into place for me. I started excitedly explaining to Ryan what Frank James had meant by it and what I had just realized. (Of course, Ryan paused the video so he could actually listen.) When I was done, we started the video back up, only to hear the guy explain almost exactly what I had just explained verbatim. Ryan just kind of laughed at my ability to follow the guy’s thought patterns so well, but it makes complete sense – we both share the same function stack.
Anyhow, on to the exact thought.
How do those without Fi check in with self?
I’m not a big fan of the theory that we each have all 8 functions. I mean, it could be true, but if it is, I don’t think we can achieve any kind of good use with the lower 4. So with that being said, we all know that Fi is very much about identity. Fi users check in with self, analyze their values, beliefs, emotions, and etc. They want to know WHO they are… but what about those without Fi? How do they check in with self? That was my lightbulb moment. Those without Fi aren’t completely oblivious of themselves, and can be individualistic. However, they just approach their own introspection in a different way. Fi is an introverted judgment function, or a Ji. And what is the other Ji function? Ti.
Let me share the puzzle pieces that fell into place with this realization…
#1 Individualism and the IP Types
The IXXPs are known for being individualistic… at least, they were for the longest time. I’m not sure if that information is as prevalent as it used to be, which is probably the fault of function theory. (Obviously I’m a big fan of function theory, but sometimes people lose touch with reality amidst all of their theorizing.) At one time, the Ti doms and the Fi doms were both known for being individualistic, because Ti can be very much that way. While high Ti users don’t typically run around making absolute identity statements, they usually do focus on just being themselves and ignoring other people’s influence on them. (Low Fe can cause them to lash out at society or act in spite of the society.) Obviously this attitude is a bit different than that of the Fi users, it does bear some striking similarities.
Fi doms have gotten pegged as these peace loving hippies, that are all flowers and sunshine. That’s stupid, and also not reality. Fi doms check in with self, determine who they want to be, and then be that, oftentimes in spite of society. The big difference between their form of individualism and that of the Ti doms, is that the Fi doms tend to like to throw their differences in the face of society, due to the nature of Fi/Te. In a sense, they will desire to make a statement, and declare their identity or values to the world. While on the other hand, the Ti Doms usually just do their thing without feeling the need to make a clear statement. They lash out when backed into a corner, but typically prefer to just slip out of sticky social situations due to inferior Fe.
#2 Which Types Struggle The Most Typing Themselves?
If you spend much time on Type Me forums (Reddit, PerC, and etc. Take your pick.), you’ll probably notice that the Ti and Fi doms are frequent flyers. Why? Because they get so bogged down in self-analysis that they can’t seem to figure out which type they actually belong to. They both get so stuck on “introspection” and “self-analysis” that they end up struggling the most to figure themselves. The Fi doms are over there trying to figure out who EXACTLY they are, proclaiming their uniqueness, how they can’t quite fit into any type fully, and why. Whereas, the Ti doms are rationalizing how every little characteristic they have can apply to each function or each type. You’ll see the Fi doms and Ti doms wondering if they’re intuitive or sensing. You’ll even see some people asking if they’re an Fi dom or a Ti dom, because Fi doms can be analytical, Ti doms have emotions, and both have a sense of identity.
#3 Fe Doormats
High Fe users are known for being doormats, however, this is only the case when their Ti is underdeveloped. Why? Because Ti is how they check in with self and realize what they can or cannot handle. It’s how they realize when they’re no longer acting in line with self, and are contradicting themselves. Ti stops them from being used, because it allows them to ignore the feelings of others and make a selfish decision based solely on their own needs. It reminds them that without taking care of self, they won’t be able to take care of others later.
#4 Ti/Fe Failure To Understand Their Own Emotions
Ok, so I’ve said all this, and maybe you’re now wondering why Ti doms are typically so bad at understanding their own emotions. After all, if they’re supposed to highly individualistic and introspective, why are they so bad at understanding what they’re feeling? Because Ti is intrinsically focusing on different things than Fi. One’s feeling function is what focuses on values and emotions. Fi focuses on what’s personal, while Fe focuses on others. Ergo, the Ti/Fe axis is focusing more on the emotional environment around them versus what’s inside. The Ti approach is more about comparing thoughts against each other, and judging the validity of each thought and rational. Every piece of information a Ti user takes in via their perceiving function is analyzed with Ti, to determine if it is consistent with all previously valid or invalid information. If it appears to back something that was previously deemed invalid, the Ti user may bring that “invalid” piece of information back up to the surface for consideration. This is why high Ti users frequently appear to be reanalyzing everything constantly. Ti while being “personal” in a certain sense is far more “impersonal” then Fi, and can cause a detachment from one’s own emotions. This is why your INFJs, while being feelers, are known for seeming very analytical or emotionless. Ni detaches them from the past, Fe focuses on the emotional state of others, and then Ti detaches them from their own emotions.
In Conclusion…
I believe those are all the puzzle pieces that fell into place with my light bulb moment. I hope you were all able to track my logic. As usual, feel free to ask any questions!
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I think I’ve read this article a thousand times and something
occasionally comes to me: If Fi users are more in touch with themselves – which they are – then Ixfps and Exfps are quicker and more objective to “find” which type they are than hight Ti users. What do you think?
So, actually that tends to not be true. High Ti users will over-analyze the system and find 20 different ways to fit into it, while the high Fi users will over analyze themselves and struggle to stick themselves into any one particular “box”. Both on average seem to have an equally hard time determining their type.
I got you. Maaaan, this whole thing about typing is so exhausting (lol) !!! But, anyway, thaaaanx 🤘
Thank you for this, I had never seen Ti connected to identity before.
I’ve been on the typing train for years now, and yes, I’m definitely INXP, so fall into the hard time typing themselves category.
What I find interesting is that a lot of your information actually suggests more Ti than Fi in myself, even taking into account my tendency to focus on identity. I do still think I’m more likely to be INFP, just because so much evidence has stacked up over the years (including that I don’t want to be INFP).
My issue is that the majority of thinking patterns or behaviours don’t fall in line with ‘the typical INFP’. I grew up in an Te/Si heavy environment; everything was about usefulness, success, setting goals, not feeling or ignoring emotions etc. So I’m used to ignoring/suppressing emotions to do what is necessary. I may follow my personal belief/value system, but I’m not really set in it. It constantly evolves and changes with new experiences and I’d rather understand why someone has a different view than defend mine…which may have to do with just not having a clear one. I will readily rearrange my understanding of something if convinced the evidence is valuable, because the truth doesn’t care about anyone’s feelings.
It just bothers me to the extreme that only the basic building blocks of INFP fit but when it comes to self development advice, it’s inf Fe that’s spot on. But most tell me I’m obviously high Fi, and since I don’t feel like I know myself, I only have their observations to go on. So I’m assuming it must be true. I do find INTPs much more relatable, and will likely be using advice for inf Fe to help me develop further (also sorry for the tangent).
But whatever I end up with, thank you for posting your articles. They’re very enlightening and interesting.
Glad you enjoyed it! Thanks for the comment, and good luck on your quest. 🙂