Myers-Briggs Types in Naruto: Tsunade Senju (ESTP)

MBTI and Myers-Briggs related content

Naruto Shippuden is a classic anime series with a wealth of identifiable Myers-Briggs personality types (often referred to as MBTI). As you can see, we think that Tsunade Senju makes the most sense as an ESTP. Continue reading to learn why!

The Myers-Briggs Personality Type of Tsunade

Dominant Se:

โ€œThis isnโ€™t like plotting a sequel to your novel! We donโ€™t have any time to waste here!โ€

โ€œIf anything happens, contact me through your toad, and Iโ€™ll rush in to help you myself.โ€

Tsunade is a very action oriented character. Always in the moment, she is quick to react to whatever situation she finds herself in. She is impatient and extremely quick to anger, according to Jiraiya, and this is proven to be true throughout the series. One particular instance is when she sends Sora flying through the door and into the wall when he calls her an old lady. She then proceeds to attack him until he claims to have said bold lady, at which point she drags him back into the room proclaiming โ€œGood, thatโ€™s what I thought you said.โ€ When we first come across her, she is found wandered from place to place, gambling and running from the authorities. Later on, she is seen viewing risks as a challenge. For instance, before performing the risky surgery on Rock Lee, she remarks that it was going to be a challenge and that there was only one way to find out if it was going to work out or not.

During her time as Hokage, she is often seen avoiding her work and going off to get a drink, or going to the hot springs, or basically acting on an impulse of some kind or another. She is like this so much that Shizune is genuinely shocked on the rare occasion that she takes her work seriously. She is accused by the elders of having a lack of leadership and for giving unclear orders during the โ€˜zombieโ€™ incident. The constant disagreements lead to strained relations between her and them, and she is shown getting physical with the elders in times of frustration. At one point, she grabs one of them by the collar in anger when they tell her that she canโ€™t bring Naruto back to save the village.

During the flashbacks to the previous ninja war, Tsunade is shown nearly striking Konan who was a little girl at the time, and just trying to give her a gift. However, Tsunade, being overly eager to act/react, assumes that the girl is somehow attacking and instinctively moves to strike her. Jiraiya has to physically stop Tsunade from doing so. Tsunade is also observant, picking up on the fact that Sakura had been visiting Sasuke and bringing him flowers everyday (based on their decay).

Auxiliary Ti:

โ€œIโ€™m not talking about you. Iโ€™m talking about that man.โ€

โ€œI had the same idea, appointing an Anbu Black Ops under my command to fill in for Kakashi. I even had someone specific in mind, but I never thought theyโ€™d suggest the exact same thing. I totally thought they were going to force another one of their subordinates on me. Does this mean they think one person is enough to keep tabs on Naruto? Orโ€ฆ maybe theyโ€™re after something else entirely.โ€

โ€œGrow upโ€ฆ Death comes with being a shinobi. There are times when death is hard to accept, but if you donโ€™t get over it, thereโ€™s no futureโ€ฆโ€

Tsunade is frequently seen getting lost in her thoughts, and detaching from the moment to mull something over in her mind. She has done this while the person addressing her was still standing in front of her, leaving them unsure about what to do. After a few moments, she typically comes back to the moment, realizes they are still there, and dismisses them. On top of this, she is seen having delayed reactions to certain things as she inwardly processes her thoughts. For instance, she gets angry with Shizune for betraying her to the elders on a delay instead of immediately. Once she processes the thoughts about Kakashiโ€™s replacement, she then circles back around and gets angry with Shizune, even though Tsunade seemed completely fine in that regard a few moments prior. She can be very cynical, like belittling the death of the Hokage and criticizing him for betting his life against all the odds. She also shows little emotion openly after Jiraiya dies, staying mostly quiet and sullen, but ultimately unemotional. She ignores Shikamaruโ€™s protests and requests for her to listen to him right after Jiraiyaโ€™s death, and instead gives him the code to decrypt, completely brushing off the original reason he was there and adding an additional mission to his workload.

She is not one to shy away from rule breaking, frequently doing things she shouldnโ€™t be doing instead of working and bending or breaking rules as she sees fit. She makes fake hands so she can appear as if she is working while she is secretly pouring herself a drink under the table. She implements what is considered a risky move by keeping Naruto in action, fighting off the elders and Shizune because keeping him moving makes the most sense to her. She defends and implement her internal logic in spite of the protests. She breaks rules relatively easy, which Shizune complains about, and will switch/change things around suddenly (like putting Naruto on a team last minute because he bribes her with food).

Tertiary Fe:

One of the ways her Fe manifests is in the fact that she worries about how others perceive her physically. She puts a constant chakra strain on herself simply to have a youthful appearance. Even though later in life she seems mean, Shizune states that she used to be kind. You can also see her Fe in the vocal and passionate way that she sticks up for and defends Naruto against the elders, refusing to make him into a caged animal. Her Fe also comes out in the way she handles Naruto, being more prone to arguing with him instead of just immediately shutting him down. Another example of her Fe use is when she observes the love triangle going on between Naruto, Sakura, and Sasuke. Her fiery way of lashing out when she is angry is also indicative of Se-Fe.

Inferior Ni:

โ€œThatโ€™s a bad sign. Donโ€™t tell meโ€ฆ Group 3. Number 117037. I knew it! I won, and first prize too. Definitely a bad omen.โ€

Tsunade shows examples of inferior Ni all throughout the show. Despite trying to use her Ni, she frequently ends up using it poorly, like going off of hunches when gambling and almost always being wrong. When it comes to anything gut or luck related in that sense, she has gained a reputation for being notoriously bad. She does also use it in more constructive ways, like when she has a hunch that the stolen formula is connected to Orochimaru somehow, but she doesnโ€™t really utilize it in any strong or meaningful ways. Another example of Ni use is when she has a problem with a certain mission because it centers around cursed warriors, ghosts, and generally seems like a wild goose chase. She is able to identify that something was clearly off about the situation. She also gets a bad feeling when she actually starts winning during gambling, declaring something isnโ€™t right in the town.

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