The Cognitive Functions In Each Position: Ti and Fe

The cognitive functions, Ti and Fe, manifest differently depending on which position they hold within the function stack. In this post, I want to go over the Ti-Fe/Fe-Ti cognitive function pairs. We will go over each of the combinations and how the different positions change their role and effect on each personality type. Delving into the function pairs and figuring out how they affect each type was something that helped me out a lot when first getting into the cognitive functions. So hopefully someone will find this overview helpful. If you’re interested in reading up on how the other cognitive functions manifest in each position (other than just Ti and Fe), check out the other articles I’ve written: The Cognitive Functions In Each Position: Ne and Si, The Cognitive Functions In Each Position: Ni and Se, and The Cognitive Functions In Each Position: Te and Fi.
Cognitive Functions In Each Position: Ti over Fe
Ti-X-X-Fe: ISTPs and INTPs
Ti doms are going to be mainly focused on making logical sense of the world and the things around them. This leads them to spend a lot of time figuring out how things tie together. They will make an internal mental map of how everything works individually and as a whole. This may lead them to spend time figuring things out that have already been solved to give themselves a solid, personal understanding of it. Their inferior Fe trait will cause them to struggle with knowing how to act in new or uncertain social situations, which may cause them significant anxiety. They may freeze up and refuse to react in any way until the offending stimulus has been removed, or physically remove themselves from the situation. They’ll also be prone to making accidentally sharp or insensitive comments, which they may (or may not) instantly regret upon seeing the other person’s reaction. They also may be insecure about the way others view them. Typically, this will surface as a desire to not stand out and simply blend in with the crowd.
X-Ti-Fe-X: ESTPs and ENTPs
Ti aux users will share a similar desire to make sense of the world, but it will play a much more supporting role. Instead of trying to make everything make logical sense, they will use their subjective logic to support their ideas or goals. They will judge their own ideas and goals against their internal logic to gauge whether these things are practical and worth pursuing or not. Tertiary Fe will be much less crippling to the user than inferior although not necessarily less detrimental. Fe in this spot tends to be used in a more insensitive way. IE: calling out something embarrassing that someone else did and mocking them for it, or just generally finding enjoyment in causing a certain amount of discord inside of a social group. In the positive sense, their Fe can be used charismatically if they have developed it and decide to use it more healthily. They can be reasonably good at rallying a group to their cause and bringing people to their side when they feel so inclined to.
Cognitive Functions In Each Position: Fe over Ti
Fe-X-X-Ti: ESFJs and ENFJs
Fe doms will primarily focus on creating harmony within their social group and managing those who are inside it. They are typically seen as the caretaker types, happily making sure everyone’s needs are met. Fe in the dominant spot is concerned with controlling its social environment which can make them manipulative in both good and bad ways. Much like a Te dom will desire to manipulate their physical environment to the way they like it, Fe doms will desire to do much the same with their social environment. While Fe doms typically strive for harmony, they are not above breaking it in order to coerce those they care about into doing what is “best” for them. Inferior Ti will surface with relatively weak use. While they will desire things to make logical sense to them, they will not share the same desire to obtain an intimate understanding of the way things logically piece together. Because of this, they are much more prone to making sense of something that does not actually make sense and viewing it as true. Frequently, the stubbornness of clinging to what makes sense to them in spite of obvious or glaring contradictions is much worse because of their weak use of this function.
X-Fe-Ti-X: ISFJs and INFJs
Fe aux will have the same drive and desire for harmony in their social group as the Fe dom. However, much like the Ti aux, this function ends up taking on a more supporting role to the dominant function. Fe aux will be much less vocal in public about their desires for harmony and caretaking. They will still have those same inclinations but on a more subdued scale. Typically, a Fe aux will be much more conflict avoidant than a dom so unrest in their social group will have a greater negative impact on them. They are less likely to try and control or manipulate those within their social group, and if they choose to do so, they end up doing it in a more silent manner. Tertiary Ti surfaces more constructively than its inferior counterpart, but its use is still relatively weak. They will enjoy making logical sense of things and have a moderate level of interest in how everything logically connects, but on a much smaller and limited scale. They may be drawn to things like brain teasers and puzzles as a non-stressful way of exercising their tertiary function.
So, there you have it. Hopefully, this overview was somewhat helpful in giving you an idea of how Ti and Fe in different positions change how the cognitive functions operate within the stack. Let me know if you did in the comments down below!
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