Steins Gate: Kurisu Makise (INTJ)

MBTI and Myers-Briggs related content


“Still, every natural phenomenon, however immutable it might appear to be on the surface, is subject to change. We have to think in terms of cause and effect. Now usually, cause of death is directly attributable to something: illness, accident, whatever. But really these are just incidental details, local manifestations of a broader principle. In Mayori’s case, the rounders are the obvious culprit, but they’re not the prime mover. That’s something more abstract. We can deduce this much from the fact that she dies even when they’re not involved.”

“No offense but you’re not the sharpest tool in the shed when it comes to looking at the bigger picture. You’re so caught up in the whole the torpedos deal that you never think about what the other guy’s doing. You got played, Okabe.”

“You answered your phone and flipped out. I just connected the dots.”

Kurisu is a highly intuitive and focused scientist with an eye for the bigger picture. When Okabe finally goes to her for help, Kurisu helps him weed through all of the details and see the bigger picture. She helps him deduce what must be true based on what’s happened, and chastises him for placing too much weight on any singular detail. She briefly suggests that Mayori is fated to die at that specific moment in time, although she doesn’t cling to the idea. Throughout the show, she frequently gets frustrated by Okabe’s lack of focus, like how he gets sidetracked by his need to name everything, proclaiming that he’s putting the cart before the horse. Kurisu reads between the lines and connects the dots, especially during Okabe’s time leaping spree. She is always the first person to realize that he has time leaped, and usually confronts him about it. Initially, she is shown studying his every movement and reaction until she can pick up enough information to support her hunch. She also typically believes his wild claims when they are actually true. As an introverted dominant, she is generally cautious about acting too hastily and altering the past (although her desire to not alter the past is eventually revealed to be connected to her Fi values). In the Valentine’s Day OVA, Kurisu is shown encouraging the girls to buck tradition, and give gifts to the men they are interested in, which supports anti-Si.


“There was a scientific rationale for that! Because… important memories, including, but not limited to, one’s first kiss, are stored in the hippocampus, which makes them harder to forget. So I figured… “

“I am a scientist, I have to act on my own theory. I can’t let my emotions get in the way. But it’s impossible to forget everything… because I’ve known you for longer than we’ve lived. This is reality. This is the world.”

“You! Roof! Now!”

Kurisu focuses on being rational and logical, first and foremost. Kurisu is grounded in reality and what is well established and factual. She only believes something if there is evidence to support it. She dismisses the idea of time travel as impossible, and argues against “wishful thinking.” She is very articulate and is prone to thinking out loud. Her logic is usually linear and easy to follow for those who have a grasp of the subject matter. She relatively easily puts down her own emotions in favor of what is rational and fair, and  does not easily display much emotion beyond acting generally personable. She easily expresses harsh opinions to others, and is frequently bossy. She never hesitates to tell Okabe or his team members what to do, like when Okabe wanted to follow Suzuha to her father-daughter reunion. In addition, during one of their early meetings, she drags him out of the room and takes his phone away the moment he starts having one of his fake conversations over it. Kurisu is very critical of people’s actions, like what Okabe names different things and the “creepy” way him and Daru act. She argues against any kind of control Okabe tries to exert over her, and refuses to accept claim of leadership. At one point, Kurisu keeps hanging up on him until he finally decides to submit. Of course, she pokes fun at him the moment he gives in and does what she asks.


“Changing the past just feels unfair. For better or for worse, the 18 years I’ve lived up until now have made me who I am today. There may have been bad times, but they’ve been mine, just as much as the good times.”

Kurisu has good grasp on her own emotions although she doesn’t share them easily. She is very private and any deep emotional expression embarrasses her. However, her Fi is relatively well developed, considering the fact that she is very personable, in spite of naturally being very straightforward with her opinions. During an intimate moment, she also shares with Okabe that she prefers his lab over her lab back home because of the warmth and friendship. Kurisu has deeply ingrained values although she is not quick to share them. Later in the show, she eventually reveals that a driving force behind her hesitancy to change the past is a value (as opposed to logic). Her delay in using this as an “argument” for not changing the past suggests lower Fi. Lastly, Kurisu hates it when she’s called anything but her own name.


Kurisu actually demonstrates her inferior Se quite a few times. People typically prefer to outlet their inferior function in small ways, because that function is naturally weak for them. A very obvious way Kurisu does this is in her cooking. She is constantly experimenting with food in weird ways, which provokes others to groan and complain about it. (Mayori is usually sent in for damage control.) Kurisu declares things like “normal salads are boring” and continually tries to combine odd foods together. Beyond this, Kurisu does demonstrate a need to touch and taste. When she first sees the green bananas, she does not hesitate to stick her finger in and taste it, beyond briefly delaying to ask if they have rubber gloves. She does not seemed concerned when they do not. (Si users, since they favor caution, probably would have at least waited for gloves, and may not have tasted it at all.) In addition, sudden outbursts usually scare Kurisu, like when Okabe started yelling at her suddenly when she failed to use his code name. This suggests Se sensory overload.

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