5 Similarities Between Fi and Fe

Several of my articles have touched on the differences between Fi and Fe, but I realized recently that I haven’t talked at all about their similarities. I usually adamantly proclaim that one should avoid using the dichotomies because they group together two types of functions that are very different, and I still hold to that belief. However, there are some similarities between two opposite facing functions. After all, there is a reason why a lot of feelers generally recognize that they are feelers, even if they don’t know whether they use Fe or Fi. So, in this article, I am going to cover how the two might appear similar.
5 Similarities Between Fi and Fe:
1. Both are value driven
Feelers in general favor values over logic. Fe users will focus on external/group values, while Fi users will focus on internal, personal values. As value driven people, both types will feel some level of need to express or enforce these values on others. The less bold ones will keep it among close friends and family, while the more outgoing feelers will be more eager to share those values with the general public. Dominant feelers (whether Fi or Fe) tend to be more willing to express their values, while auxiliary feelers are more prone to keep it to themselves. This all plays into why feelers tend to be known as crusaders, martyrs, etc. (I don’t really remember which stereotype is associated with which type.) In the negative, because they favor values above logic, they’ll both be prone to twisting facts or logic to support deeply ingrained values. Maturity can correct this tendency.
2. Both are more comfortable with emotions
Values tend to be closely tied to emotions, so those who are value driven are usually more “emotional”, in a sense. Obviously, we are all emotional beings, but feelers will tend to be more comfortable with emotions, because they deal in the realm of emotions more frequently than the thinkers do. Most people know that Fi users are more aware of their own emotions, while Fe users are more aware of other people’s emotions. That statement still holds true. However, on average, both types of feelers will probably be more generally comfortable in emotionally fueled moments than a thinker will be (assuming that it isn’t negative, conflict provoking emotion.) Both Fe and Fi users are naturally capable of being very empathetic, warm, and encouraging because of this.
3. Both tend to be conflict avoidant
Since feelers are more sensitive to emotions, they strongly dislike anything that creates disharmony. In a negative sense, this might cause them to avoid a matter that needs to be dealt with because they know it will provoke a negative reaction. In a positive sense, this means that they will probably be better at getting along with others. Of course, feelers can be abrasive if they are immature, unhealthy, or in a bad place in their life, but frequently being harsh and abrasive is not usually a natural state for them. Feelers prefer to deal with people in a gentler way in order to avoid causing a huge upset and risk destroying relationships. They’ll usually prefer diplomacy over a harsh conflict.
4. Both are people oriented
Obviously, I’m not saying that a feeler won’t be introverted. That would be stupid. However, considering their close connection to emotions, both types of feelers will have a strong focus on people. That’s actually one of the general indications of a feeler when reading one of those “type me” posts on personality theory forums. Someone who frequently references people in one of those posts is usually a feeler. Both types of feelers will more often crave deep, interpersonal connections. Sure, introverted feelers might spend a lot of time alone, but nowadays it’s incredibly easy to connect with people without actually being in the same room with them. (And no, I’m not saying that thinkers have no need for people.)
5. Both can be self-centered
BEFORE YOU FREAK OUT – All 16 types are equally capable of being selfish. I am only making this point because people seem to think that Fi is more self-centered than Fe. I understand the logic. Fi is values turn inward, so Fi users will be all about their personal, internal values. Okay, fine. However, I have seen multiple Fe users turn every conversation into a conversation about themselves. Why does this happen? Because, Fe craves affirmation from others, so an unhealthy Fe user may clumsily try to force that affirmation from others by making everything they hear spin into a story or explanation about themselves.
In Conclusion…
Anddddd that’s all I got. Hopefully you found it interesting. Let me know if I missed something.
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