Spotting the Cognitive Functions in Real Life

Below is a list of general observations we’ve made based on real life examples of how the different functions show up in day-to-day interaction. Obviously, it may not be perfect, but we’ve found it useful in our typing. Feel free to suggest something we’ve missed or ask for an explanation of how personality theory backs up a particular personality quirk. We’ll edit this document if something needs to be fixed.
A couple of notes:
- The extraverted function may be easier to peg then the introverted, even if said person is an introvert
- The auxiliary function may show less of the ‘symptoms’ then the dominant will
Look for an Ne user to:
-Make tons of references (whether it be a pun, a quote, movie reference, etc)
-Produce off the wall comments
-Span multiple topics quickly
-Struggle to get to the point; go on conversational ‘rabbit trails’
-Talk when they have nothing to say, word vomit, nervous talking, sputtering
-Create fantastical scenarios and ask “what if” a lot
-Seem scatterbrained
Look for an Se user to:
-Have bright, darting eyes as they soak in everything going on around them
-Be easily distracted
-Want to touch, taste, smell…etc.
-Be bored of theoretical discussion when they see no purpose for it. (IE: What’s the point? Why are we talking about this?)
-Want to do rather than talk
-Emphasize living in the present
Look for a Te user to:
-Be frequently rigid and intense, and possibly seem angry
-Look not completely comfortable even when relaxed (controlled)
-State most things as facts or absolutes, even when they’re not
-Quickly declare when someone is incorrect
-Try to tell you how to fix your problem
-Explain their logic out loud
Look for an Fe user to:
-Be very emotionally expressive and possibly dramatic
-Seem motherly and caring, or do frequent, thoughtful things like bringing in baked goods to the workplace
-Tell you what they think you should do or what they think is best for you
-Speak for the group
-Express a strong distaste of conflict or avoid it altogether
-Appeal to your emotions, emotionally persuade or manipulate
Look for an Ni user to:
-Declare their conclusion or point before explaining the reasoning or support for it
-Talk about symbols, destiny, perspectives, how life is a grand chess board, the big picture or other abstractions
-Just want you to get to the point, not caring much about the details
-When discussing a concept, carry it out to its farthest possible conclusion (IE: If this, then it’ll lead here, which means this, which will go here, etc.)
-Focus on one thing so narrowly that they miss something that clearly contradicts it
Look for an Si user to:
-Speak in a very detail-oriented way
-Get stuck on the details
-Reference the past, the rules, the directions, etc.
-Have a strong aversion to change
-Take things at face value or not be able to read between the lines
Look for a Ti user to:
-Frequently say “maybe”, “probably”, “perhaps”, or any other word that prevents their statement from seeming absolute
-NOT want to explain their thinking process out loud or state an opinion until after being given time to completely process it
-Be accidentally sharp (may take others by surprise)
-Have logic that others struggle to follow
-To try and re-figure out something that has already been established
-Only accept what makes sense to them, possibly in spite of established facts
Look for an Fi user to:
-Be idealistic
-Hold themselves(and possibly others) to a very high standard
-Avoid conflict
-Be sensitive and understanding toward others
-Encourage others to just be themselves or remain true to self
-Express strongly held values/beliefs when prompted
-May take criticism (of themselves or their work) as a personal attack
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